
Showing posts from March, 2000

2b2t Version Code Example

Example 1: tf version python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' # for Python 2 python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)' # for Python 3 Example 2: 2b2t what are you doing here looking at this larp server??? Example 3: 2b2t go code a hack client dumbass

Can I Re-sign An .apk With A Different Certificate Than What It Came With?

Answer : try this 1) Change the extension of your .apk to .zip 2) Open and remove the folder META-INF 3) Change the extension to .apk 4) Use the jarsigner and zipalign with your new keystore. hope it helps If you are looking for a quick simple solution, you can use Google's apksigner command line tool which is available in revision 24.0.3 and higher. apksigner sign --ks release.jks application.apk You can find more information about apksigner tool, at the developer Android site. Or, alternatively, you may use an open-source apk-resigner script Open Source apk-resigner script All you have to do is, download the script and just type: ./ application.apk keystore key-pass alias zip -d my_application.apk META-INF/\* keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity...

Can I Get Rid Of My Premium Raid Passes?

Answer : April 2019 Update: You can now delete your Raid Passes by simply clicking the 'delete' button. Legacy info: There's only one in-game way of deleting those Premium Raid Passes, which is as user SHRLY has suggested - just join an ongoing raid and leave them repeatedly until all is used up. Alternatively, you can also email Niantic support and ask to remove your Premium Raid Passes (as well as other non-deletable items like Incubators), by going to the Niantic support page and selecting "Purchase Issues". You can now delete them after applying the latest update Yes, I had same problem, they can not be deleted. I join raid left raid, join raid left raid,... that is only way how to rid them off.

Cdn Link For Font Awesome Code Example

Example 1: fontawesome cdn < link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" > Example 2: font awesome cdn < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" integrity = "sha384-AYmEC3Yw5cVb3ZcuHtOA93w35dYTsvhLPVnYs9eStHfGJvOvKxVfELGroGkvsg+p" crossorigin = "anonymous" / > Example 3: font awesome icons cdn To load all styles : < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" integrity = "sha384-AYmEC3Yw5cVb3ZcuHtOA93w35dYTsvhLPVnYs9eStHfGJvOvKxVfELGroGkvsg+p" crossorigin = "anonymous" / > Example 4: font awesome cdn < link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" integrity = "sha384-T8Gy5hrqNKT+hzMclPo118YTQO6cYprQmhrY...

Android ADB Devices Unauthorized

Answer : Try Revoke USB DEBUGGING Authorization. Enable USB debugging again. It worked. Thankgod xda developers exist : Just had to delete adbkey file in C:Users/$Name/.android was missing. Restart after this and both files are there. If this does not work : - Try Revoke USB DEBUGGING Authorization. - Enable USB debugging again. In sequence: adb kill-server in your DEVICE SETUP, go to developer-options end disable usb-debugging press REVOKE USB debugging authorizations, click OK enable usb-debugging adb start-server

Auto Scroll To Bottom Css Code Example

Example 1: automatically scroll to bottom of page window. scrollTo ( 0 , document.body.scrollHeight ) ; Example 2: css scrollbar position to bottom document. getElementsByClassName ( 'className' ) [ 0 ].scrollTop = document. getElementsByClassName ( 'className' ) [ 0 ].scrollHeight ;

Bootstrap 4 Table Align Center Vertical Code Example

Example: bootstrap table text vertical align center /* Based on what you have provided your CSS selector is not specific enough to override the CSS rules defined by Bootstrap. Try this: */ .table > tbody > tr > td { vertical-align: middle; } /* In Boostrap 4, this can be achieved with the .align-middle Vertical Alignment utility class. */ < td class = " align-middle " > Text </ td >

How To Change Name Of Heroku App Code Example

Example 1: rename heroku app $ heroku apps : rename newname Renaming oldname to newname . . . done http : // | Git remote heroku updated Example 2: heroku rename heroku apps : remane -- app < old - project - name > < new - project - name > Example 3: rename heroku app local First update the name for the heroku app on the heroku dashboard ( on the heroku website ) Then do this on terminal ( Make sure you're in the right repository ) $ git remote rm heroku ( Remove the remote from git ) $ heroku git : remote - a < new app name > ( Add it back with it's new name )

Sinonimo De Tratar Code Example

Example: sinonimo de tratar printf ( "Escola" )

How To Ommit Some Of The Elements In Array Of An Array Javascript Code Example

Example 1: js array delete specific element var arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 0 ] ; var removed = arr . splice ( 2 , 2 ) ; /* removed === [3, 4] arr === [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0] */ Example 2: remove item at index in array javascript // remove element at certain index without changing original let arr = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] let newArr = [ . . . arr ] newArr . splice ( 1 , 1 ) //remove 1 element from index 1 console . log ( arr ) // [0,1,2,3,4,5] console . log ( newArr ) // [0,2,3,4,5]

Add Blank Line Latex Code Example

Example: latex add empty line \hfill \break

Remove Duplicate Characters In A String In C++ Code Example

Example: removing repeated characters in a string c++ s . erase ( std :: unique ( s . begin ( ) , s . end ( ) ) , s . end ( ) ) ;

Br Full Form In Html Code Example

Example: html The HTML <br> tag is used to make a break in lines. it could be used in a list command , like so : <p2>This is my list. <br> The tag makes a break <br> Very helpful. <br><p2> The tag is very helpful , and it makes things look much cleaner. To use it , just put it at the end , it is a very simple-to-use tag.

Angular 2 - How To Set Default Selected Option

Answer : <select [(ngModel)]="defaultValue"> <option>AM</option> <option>PM</option> </select> export class MyComponent { defaultValue = 'PM'; } Usually it's done like <select [(ngModel)]="defaultValue"> <option *ngFor="let value of values" [ngValue]="value">{{value}}</option> </select> export class MyComponent { values = ['AM', 'PM']; defaultValue = this.values[1]; } Hint For non-string values use `[ngValue]="..." <select [(ngModel)]="defaultValue"> <option [ngValue]="values[0]">AM</option> <option [ngValue]="values[2]">PM</option> </select> For a template driven form, I did this and got default selection. <select [(ngModel)]="defaultOption" name="identification"> <option [value]=null>Select</option...

Can't Use Mongo Command, Shows Command Not Found On Mac

Answer : You need to add the path to "mongo" to your terminal shell. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mongodb/bin Did you do the last step with paths.d? If so, try restarting your terminals. Do you have a good reason for using 1.8.5? The current stable is 2.0.4, and it has many useful upgrades from 1.8.x You'll have to add the location of the Mongo binary to PATH. Follow the steps below in order to make the PATH variable permanent: Open Terminal and navigate to your user directory. Run touch ~/.bash_profile and then open ~/.bash_profile . In TextEdit, add export PATH="<mongo-directory>/bin:$PATH" (Keep the quote marks - related to white spaces). Save the .bash_profile file and Quit (Command + Q) Text Edit. Run source ~/.bash_profile . Run echo $PATH and check if the you see that the Mongo binary was added. (*) Notice that the PATH variable is now available only for the current terminal and not to processes that were already started...

Chrome Vimeo Iframe Autoplay Not Working Anymore

Answer : Annotating the <iframe> with an allow attribute worked for me: <iframe ... allow="autoplay; fullscreen"></iframe> It's called "Iframe delegation" and is described here: You need to add &muted=1 to the iFrame src path and you need to add the attribute allow="autoplay" to the iFrame. Now the Vimeo video starts automatically again in Chrome. yes, according to their documentation it is. EDIT: Advance browsers like FireFox, Chrome and Safari are now blocking video autoplay by default. CHROME Auto-Play Policy: The Media Engagement Index, or MEI for short, a way of Chrome is to allow AutoPlay audio on your page to be based on your previous interactions with thi...

Clear Working Tree Git Code Example

Example 1: git remove untracked files # Print out the list of files which will be removed (dry run) git clean -n # Interactive and you will get a quick overview of what is # going to be deleted offering you the possibility to include/exclude # the affected files git clean -i # To remove files, run git clean -f # To remove directories, run git clean -fd # To remove ignored files, run git clean -fX # To remove ignored and non-ignored files, run git clean -fx Example 2: git clean //Remove untracked files git clean -f //Remove untracked directories and files git clean -fd //Remove untracked ignored files git clean -fX //Remove all untracked files git clean -fx Example 3: git clean fdx //Remove untracked files directories and ignored files git clean -fdx Example 4: git remove Untracked files git clean -f

Assembly JLE Jmp Instruction Example

Answer : The jump itself checks the flags in the EFL register. These are usually set with TEST or CMP(or as a side effect of many other instructions). CMP ebx,10 JLE there CMP corresponds to calculating the difference of the operands, updating the flags and discarding the result. Typically used for greater/smaller checks TEST corresponds to calculating the binary AND of the operands, updating the flags and discarding the result. Typically used for equality checks. See also: The art of assembly language on CMP As a sidenote: You should get the Intel reference manuals. In particular the two part "Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference" which describes all x86 instructions. JLE instruction conducts two tests: Signed Flag ( SF ) != Overflow Flag ( OF ) Zero flag ( ZF ) == 1 If Zero flags is 1 and Signed Flag and Overflow Flag are not equal, then the short relative jump will be executed. Maybe...

Can I Run Mac OS X As A Hyper-V Virtual Machine?

Answer : No. Hyper-V is very specific about supported OS's and the generic drivers are very Microsoft specific.

Adding Buttons In Html Code Example

Example 1: how to add buttons in html < button type = "button" onclick = "alert('You pressed the button!')" > Click me ! < / button > Example 2: html button < html > < head > < style > . button { background - color : < background color > ; border : none ; color : < text color > ; padding : 10 px 25 px ; text - align : center ; text - decoration : none ; display : inline - block ; font - size : 16 px ; margin : 4 px 4 px ; cursor : pointer ; border - radius : 8 px ; } < / style > < / head > < body > < a href = "<url>" class = "button" > ButtonText < / a > < / body > < / html >

Best Way To Save A Trained Model In PyTorch?

Answer : I've found this page on their github repo, I'll just paste the content here. Recommended approach for saving a model There are two main approaches for serializing and restoring a model. The first (recommended) saves and loads only the model parameters:, PATH) Then later: the_model = TheModelClass(*args, **kwargs) the_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(PATH)) The second saves and loads the entire model:, PATH) Then later: the_model = torch.load(PATH) However in this case, the serialized data is bound to the specific classes and the exact directory structure used, so it can break in various ways when used in other projects, or after some serious refactors. It depends on what you want to do. Case # 1: Save the model to use it yourself for inference : You save the model, you restore it, and then you change the model to evaluation mode. This is done because you usually have BatchNorm and Dropout layers...

Android: Mkdirs()/mkdir() On External Storage Returns False

Answer : I got the same problem,and I am sure I had put the permission tag in the right place,but mkdirs didn't work yet, my system is Android 6.0, I resolve it now , you can check as below: make sure your put the permission tag in . open "setting/application" in your phone,check your application's permission(I found the permission in my manifest statement is not here),open the switch of the permission like this.(I found it is closed in default which make "mkdirs" failed) I have had the same problem and I have searched everything for a week trying to find the answer. I think I found it and I think it's ridiculously easy, you have to put the uses-permission statement in the right place... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="0...

Bold Text Htmn Code Example

Example 1: html bold text < html > < head > < title > Bold text </ title > </ head > < body > < p > Use the strong element to < strong > indicate strongly emphasized </ strong > content. </ p > </ body > </ html > Example 2: html bold <!--Emphasized bold text. It's for content that is of greater importance--> < strong > I'm a content </ strong > <!--Bold text. It's used to draw attention to text without indicating that it's more important--> < b > I'm another content </ b >

How To Overcome Time Limit Exceeded In Python Code Example

Example: is TLE means my code is correct but taking more time to computr TLE actually means that your program excedes the time limit for a particular test file . So , as soon as the time limit is exceeded the program stops executing and you don’t know whether your program gives AC or not . So , best practice is to optimize your program as much as possible . Even , then it gives TLE , then go for different approach .