Chrome Vimeo Iframe Autoplay Not Working Anymore

Answer :

Annotating the <iframe> with an allow attribute worked for me:

<iframe ... allow="autoplay; fullscreen"></iframe> 

It's called "Iframe delegation" and is described here:

You need to add &muted=1 to the iFrame src path and you need to add the attribute allow="autoplay" to the iFrame. Now the Vimeo video starts automatically again in Chrome.

yes, according to their documentation it is.


Advance browsers like FireFox, Chrome and Safari are now blocking video autoplay by default.

CHROME Auto-Play Policy:

The Media Engagement Index, or MEI for short, a way of Chrome is to allow AutoPlay audio on your page to be based on your previous interactions with this webpage as a user. You can see what this looks like by going to


MEI is calculated per user profile, and is persisted to incognito mode.

media engagement

WEBKIT/SAFARI Auto-Play Policy:

FIREFOX Auto-Play Improvements:

NOTE: Don’t assume a media element will play, and don’t show the pause button from the start. Look at the Promise returned by the play function on HTMLMediaElement to see if it was rejected:

var promise = document.querySelector('video').play();  if (promise !== undefined) {     promise.catch(error => {         // Auto-play was prevented         // Show a UI element to let the user manually start playback     }).then(() => {         // Auto-play started     }); } 


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