Clear Working Tree Git Code Example

Example 1: git remove untracked files

# Print out the list of files which will be removed (dry run) git clean -n  # Interactive and you will get a quick overview of what is  # going to be deleted offering you the possibility to include/exclude  # the affected files git clean -i  # To remove files, run git clean -f  # To remove directories, run  git clean -fd  # To remove ignored files, run  git clean -fX  # To remove ignored and non-ignored files, run  git clean -fx

Example 2: git clean

//Remove untracked files git clean -f  //Remove untracked directories and files git clean -fd  //Remove untracked ignored files git clean -fX  //Remove all untracked files  git clean -fx

Example 3: git clean fdx

//Remove untracked files directories and ignored files git clean -fdx

Example 4: git remove Untracked files

git clean -f


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