Can't Import JSON In Excel 2016 Using "Get & Transform" Feature

Answer :

I ran into the same situation, and then found a work around on the following page:

In short, the steps are to:

  1. New Query -> From Other Sources -> From Web;

  2. Type in (or Copy-Paste) an url to you Json data and hit OK button;

  3. After Query Edit opens, right-click a document icon on a query dashboard and select JSON and your data is transformed to a table data format.

Thanks to 'Good Boy' who provided the work around in the article mentioned.

If the json file is on your computer, a file, you can enter 'file:\c:\filename.json' in place of the web url. Don't include the '. The easiest way is to use the file browser and copy the path to the file and then add the file name at the end.


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