
Showing posts from June, 2021

Auto Generate Id For Document And Not Collection In Firestore

Answer : If you are using CollectionReference's add() method, it means that it: Adds a new document to this collection with the specified POJO as contents, assigning it a document ID automatically. If you want to get the document id that is generated and use it in your reference, then use DocumentReference's set() method: Overwrites the document referred to by this DocumentRefere Like in following lines of code: String id = db.collection("collection_name").document().getId(); db.collection("collection_name").document(id).set(object); Since you already know the id of the document, just call set() instead of add() . It will create the document if it doesn't already exist. This answer might be a little late but you can look at this code here which will generate a new document name: // Add a new document with a generated id. db.collection("cities").add({ name: "Tokyo", country: "Japan" }) .then...

16k Resolution Code Example

Example 1: 4k resolution 3840 x 2160 Example 2: 8k resolution 7680 x 4320

Average Of List Python Code Example

Example 1: average value of list elements in python # Example to find average of list number_list = [ 45 , 34 , 10 , 36 , 12 , 6 , 80 ] avg = sum ( number_list ) / len ( number_list ) print ( "The average is " , round ( avg , 2 ) ) Example 2: python average # Using statistics package to find average import statistics as st my_list = [ 9 , 3 , 1 , 5 , 88 , 22 , 99 ] print ( st . mean ( my_list ) )

Best Ocr Library In Python Code Example

Example: ocr python library import cv2 import pytesseract img = cv2.imread('image.jpg') # Adding custom options custom_config = r'--oem 3 --psm 6' pytesseract.image_to_string(img, config=custom_config)

Codeigniter 3 Last Insert Id Code Example

Example 1: return last insert id in codeigniter $id = $this -> db -> insert_id ( ) ; Example 2: last insert id model codeigniter function add_post ( $post_data ) { $this -> db -> insert ( 'posts' , $post_data ) ; $insert_id = $this -> db -> insert_id ( ) ; return $insert_id ; } Example 3: codeigniter return last inserted id $this -> db -> insert ( 'posts' , $post_data ) ; $insert_id = $this -> db -> insert_id ( ) ; return $insert_id ; Example 4: how to get last id in database codeigniter 4 $db = db_connect ( ) ; $query = $db -> query ( "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1" ) ; $result = $query -> getRow ( ) ;

Add Badge Bootstrap To Every Odd Number Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap Badges Contextual variations Add any of the below mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance of a badge. <span class= "badge badge-primary" >Primary</span> <span class= "badge badge-secondary" >Secondary</span> <span class= "badge badge-success" >Success</span> <span class= "badge badge-danger" >Danger</span> <span class= "badge badge-warning" >Warning</span> <span class= "badge badge-info" >Info</span> <span class= "badge badge-light" >Light</span> <span class= "badge badge-dark" >Dark</span> Example 2: bootstrap badges Links Using the contextual .badge-* classes on an <a> element quickly provide actionable badges with hover and focus states. <a href= "#" class= "badge badge-primary" >Primary</a> <a href= "#" class= ...

Array Size In JS Code Example

Example 1: array length javascript var numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] ; var length = numbers . length ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { numbers [ i ] *= 2 ; } // numbers is now [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] Example 2: array length javascript var arr = [ 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 ] ; //An Array is defined with 5 instances var len = arr . length ; //Now arr.length returns 5.Basically, len=5. console . log ( len ) ; //gives 5 console . log ( arr . length ) ; //also gives 5 Example 3: javascript size array let array = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ; console . log ( array . length ) ; Example 4: length of array in js var numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] ; var length = numbers . length ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { numbers [ i ] *= 2 ; } Example 5: array length in js' var x = [ ] ; console . log ( x . size ( ) ) ; console . log ( x . length ) ; console . log ( x . size ( ) == x . length ) ; x = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ; ...

Change Icon When Click Button Ionic 2

Answer : You could use *ngIf directive here to show conditional icon. <button clear text-center (click)="toggle()"> <ion-icon name="arrow-drop down-circle" *ngIf="!visible"></ion-icon> <ion-icon name="arrow-drop up-circle" *ngIf="visible"></ion-icon> </button> You could use name property instead of creating two different ion-icon <button clear text-center (click)="toggle()"> <ion-icon [name]="visible ? 'arrow-drop up-circle' :'arrow-drop down-circle'"> </ion-icon> </button> You can create a conditional in the name= attribute <ion-icon [name]="visible ? 'arrow-dropdown' : 'arrow-dropup'"></ion-icon> This took me forever to find since there are very few examples out there for toggling icons. However, I used the Ionic 2 Icons Doc and came up with this: ts: class Toggle...

AWS DynamoDB Scan And FilterExpression Using Array Of Hash Values

Answer : You should make use of the IN operator. It is also easier to use Placeholders for attribute names and attribute values. I would, however, advise against using a Scan in this case . It sounds like you already have the hash key attribute values that you want to find, so it would make more sense to use BatchGetItem . Anyways, here is how you would do it in Java: ScanSpec scanSpec = new ScanSpec() .withFilterExpression("#idname in (:val1, :val2, :val3)") .withNameMap(ImmutableMap.of("#idname", "ID")) .withValueMap(ImmutableMap.of(":val1", "123", ":val2", "456", ":val23", "789")); ItemCollection<ScanOutcome> = table.scan(scanSpec); I would imagine using the Javascript SDK it would be something like this: var scanParams = { "TableName":"myAwsTable", "AttributesToGet": ['ID','COMMENTS','DATE'], "Filte...

Abstract Meaning In Java Code Example

Example 1: abstract class in java Sometimes we may come across a situation where we cannot provide implementation to all the methods in a class. We want to leave the implementation to a class that extends it. In such case we declare a class as abstract.To make a class abstract we use key word abstract. Any class that contains one or more abstract methods is declared as abstract. If we don’t declare class as abstract which contains abstract methods we get compile time error. 1)Abstract classes cannot be instantiated 2)An abstarct classes contains abstract method, concrete methods or both. 3)Any class which extends abstarct class must override all methods of abstract class 4)An abstarct class can contain either 0 or more abstract method. Example 2: how to create an abstract method in java abstract class Scratch{ // cannot be static abstract public void hello(); abstract String randNum(); } interface Other{ //all methods in an interface are abstract ...

Are "git Fetch --tags --force" And "git Pull " Conmutative Operations?

Answer : This gets into one of the more obscure corners of Git, but in the end the answer is "it doesn't matter initially which order you use". However, I'd recommend avoiding git pull in general, and never using it in scripts anyway. Plus, it does matter, in a different way, precisely when you fetch, as we will see below. So I'd recommend running your own git fetch first, then simply not using git pull at all. git fetch A plain git fetch (without --tags ) uses a weird hybrid tag update by default, although each remote can define a default tag option that overrides this default. The weird hybrid is what you quoted: tags that point at objects that are downloaded from the remote repository are fetched and stored locally. The underlying mechanism for this is a bit tricky and I'll leave that for later. Adding --tags to the git fetch arguments has almost the same effect as specifying, on the command line, refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* . (We'll ...

Can't Import JSON In Excel 2016 Using "Get & Transform" Feature

Answer : I ran into the same situation, and then found a work around on the following page: In short, the steps are to: New Query -> From Other Sources -> From Web; Type in (or Copy-Paste) an url to you Json data and hit OK button; After Query Edit opens, right-click a document icon on a query dashboard and select JSON and your data is transformed to a table data format. Thanks to 'Good Boy' who provided the work around in the article mentioned. If the json file is on your computer, a file, you can enter ' file:\c:\filename.json ' in place of the web url. Don't include the '. The easiest way is to use the file browser and copy the path to the file and then add the file name at the end.

Bootstrap 4 Table Scroll Vertical Code Example

Example 1: table bootstrap with scrool < div style = " height : 600 px ; overflow : scroll ; " > <!-- change height to increase the number of visible row --> < table > </ table > </ div > Example 2: how to set the scroll in bootstrap4 table body table { display: flex; flex-flow: column; width: 100%; } thead { flex: 0 0 auto; } tbody { flex: 1 1 auto; display: block; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; } tr { width: 100%; display: table; table-layout: fixed; }

Bulma Templates Code Example

Example 1: bulma npm install bulma Example 2: bulma starter template <! DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < meta charset = " utf-8 " > < meta name = " viewport " content = " width=device-width, initial-scale=1 " > < title > Hello Bulma! </ title > < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " > </ head > < body > < section class = " section " > < div class = " container " > < h1 class = " title " > Hello World </ h1 > < p class = " subtitle " > My first website with < strong > Bulma </ strong > ! </ p > </ div > </ section > </ body > </ html > Example 3: bulma bower install bulma Example 4: bulma npm inst...

Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up Png Code Example

Example: rick astley - never gonna give you up //

Www,youtube.cin Code Example

Example 1: youtube < iframe type = "text/html" frameborder = "0" width = "668" height = "508" src = "" allowfullscreen > < /iframe > Example 2: youtube Looking for solution of your code on youtube? Good boy !

Cmath Pow Code Example

Example: pow c++ # include <iostream> # include <cmath> using namespace std ; int main ( ) { double base , exponent , result ; base = 3.4 ; exponent = 4.4 ; result = pow ( base , exponent ) ; cout << base << "^" << exponent << " = " << result ; return 0 ; }

Cast Set To List Python Code Example

Example: how to convert a set to a list in python my_set = set ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) my_list = list ( my_set ) print my_list >> [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]

'adb' Is Not Recognized As An Internal Or External Command, Operable Program Or Batch Code Example

Example: adb is not recognized set PATH : C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools

Ad Astra Imdb Code Example

Example: ad astra Shitty plot, go watch Interstellar.

401 Unauthorized Vs 403 Forbidden: Which Is The Right Status Code For When The User Has Not Logged In?

Answer : The exact satisfying one-time-for-all answer I found is: Short answer: 401 Unauthorized Description: While we know first is authentication (has the user logged-in or not?) and then we will go into authorization (does he have the needed privilege or not?), but here's the key that makes us mistake: But isn’t “401 Unauthorized” about authorization, not authentication? Back when the HTTP spec (RFC 2616) was written, the two words may not have been as widely understood to be distinct. It’s clear from the description and other supporting texts that 401 is about authentication. From HTTP Status Codes 401 Unauthorized and 403 Forbidden for Authentication and Authorization (and OAuth). So maybe, if we want to rewrite the standards! focusing enough on each words, we may refer to the following table: Status Code | Old foggy naming | New clear naming | Use case +++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++ | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 401 | Unaut...

Change Border Color Of Input Field Css Code Example

Example 1: change border highlight color on an input text element input :focus { outline : none !important ; border-color : #719ECE ; box-shadow : 0 0 10 px #719ECE ; } textarea :focus { outline : none !important ; border-color : #719ECE ; box-shadow : 0 0 10 px #719ECE ; } Example 2: change border highlight color on an input text element .input :focus { outline : none !important ; border : 1 px solid red ; box-shadow : 0 0 10 px #719ECE ; }