Arabic Number In Arabic Text In Android
Answer :
There's such issue in Google's bugtracker: Arabic numerals in arabic language intead of Hindu-Arabic numeral system
If particularly Egypt locale doesn't work due to some customer's issue(I can understand it), then you can format your string to any other western locales. For example:
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("en","US")); //or "nb","No" - for Norway String sDistance = nf.format(distance); distanceTextView.setText(String.format(getString(R.string.distance), sDistance));
If solution with new Locale
doesn't work at all, there's an ugly workaround:
public String replaceArabicNumbers(String original) { return original.replaceAll("١","1") .replaceAll("٢","2") .replaceAll("٣","3") .....; }
(and variations around it with Unicodes matching (U+0661,U+0662,...). See more similar ideas here)
Upd1: To avoid calling formatting strings one by one everywhere, I'd suggest to create a tiny Tool method:
public final class Tools { static NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("en","US")); public static String getString(Resources resources, int stringId, Object... formatArgs) { if (formatArgs == null || formatArgs.length == 0) { return resources.getString(stringId, formatArgs); } Object[] formattedArgs = new Object[formatArgs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < formatArgs.length; i++) { formattedArgs[i] = (formatArgs[i] instanceof Number) ? numberFormat.format(formatArgs[i]) : formatArgs[i]; } return resources.getString(stringId, formattedArgs); } } .... distanceText.setText(Tools.getString(getResources(), R.string.distance, 24));
Or to override the default TextView
and handle it in setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type)
public class TextViewWithArabicDigits extends TextView { public TextViewWithArabicDigits(Context context) { super(context); } public TextViewWithArabicDigits(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } @Override public void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type) { super.setText(replaceArabicNumbers(text), type); } private String replaceArabicNumbers(CharSequence original) { if (original != null) { return original.toString().replaceAll("١","1") .replaceAll("٢","2") .replaceAll("٣","3") ....; } return null; } }
I hope, it helps
There is an easy way. Taking your integer number and format it to string, and it will apply localization implicitly to numbers by this method:
String YourNumberString = String.format("%d", YourNumberInteger);
So 123 will become ١٢٣ and so on.
For more information see section "Format numbers" at:
Set your TypeFace as per below for Arabic
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/abcd.TTF");
abcd is Arabic font.
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