A Fair Die Is Rolled N Times. What Is The Probability That At Least 1 Of The 6 Values Never Appears?
Answer :
I think via inclusion/exclusion the probability that at least one of the six values never appears after n rolls of the die would be:
To understand, first just consider the probability of a 1 never showing up:
Easy enough. Now what are the chances of either a 1 never showing up OR a 2 never showing up. To first order it's just twice the above, but by simply doubling the above, you've double-counted the events where neither a 1 nor a 2 show up, so you have to subtract that off to correct the double counting:
The final answer I gave above is just an extension of this where you first add the probability associated with the 6 ways of not rolling any particular number, then subtract off the probability of the ways of not rolling any two particular numbers, then add back in the probability of the ways of not rolling any three particular numbers, etc.
I made an A in probabilities about 25 years ago, but I haven't thought about this stuff much since, so there is a non-zero probability I'm totally wrong, but the results seem at least reasonable to me. I think it curious and nifty that the formula works for all . You pick an with and you get 1, but as soon as the probability (appropriately) starts falling off:
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