An Example Of An Exists-sentence Such That The Sentence Is True On An Infinite Model M, Yet On Every Submodel, The Sentence Is False

Answer :

As Noah and Eric pointed out, the statement of the proplem is missing the word "proper" (the sentence should be false only on the proper substructures of MM, since MM is alwaays a substructure of itself). And the problem can be solved vacuously by considering a structure MM with no proper substructures.

The solution as you described it makes no sense. Here's an example which does have proper substructures and which I believe is similar in spirit to the intention of the proposed solution (but simpler).

Consider the language {P,f}\{P,f\}, where PP is a unary relation symbol and ff is a unary function symbol. Let M=NM = \mathbb{N}, where PMP^M holds only of 00 and fMf^M is the successor function fM(n)=n+1f^M(n) = n+1.

The substructures of MM are of the form {k,k+1,k+2,}\{k,k+1,k+2,\dots\} for any kk.

Consider the sentence xP(x)\exists x\, P(x). This sentence is true in MM (witnessed by 00), but false in every proper substructure of MM (since no proper substructure of MM contains 00).

If I understand correctly, you're looking for an infinite structure MM and some \exists-sentence true in MM but false in all of MM's proper substructures. The given solution appears a bit garbled and incomplete, and is also excessively complicated.

The simplest way to whip this up is to build an MM with no proper substructures whatsoever. In this case it's vacuously true that all sentences are false in all proper substructures of MM. As Eric Wofsey commented this can trivially be done in an infinite language. For a finite language example, consider N\mathbb{N} with 00 and successor.


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