Bootstrap-select Add Item And Select It

Answer :

You have a typo. Instead of:

$('#myselect').append('<option val="'+newitemnum+'">'+newitemdesc+'</option>'); 

You need:

$('#myselect').append('<option value="'+newitemnum+'">'+newitemdesc+'</option>'); 

Here is a JSFiddle demo:

The "Add and select 'Soy Sauce' option" button does the following:

$("#myselect").append('<option value="'+newitemnum+'">'+newitemdesc+'</option>'); $("#myselect").val(4); $("#myselect").selectpicker("refresh"); 

One slightly faster approach (used by the "Add and select 'Relish' option" button) is to append the new <option> element with the selected attribute already applied:

$("#myselect").append('<option value="'+newitemnum+'" selected="">'+newitemdesc+'</option>'); $("#myselect").selectpicker("refresh"); 


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