Button Disabled Javascript Code Example

Example 1: javascript disable button

//disable the button document.getElementById(BUTTON_ID).disabled = true; //reable the button document.getElementById(BUTTON_ID).removeAttribute('disabled');

Example 2: javascript how to disable a button

//Using Javascript //Disabling a html button  document.getElementById("Button").disabled = true; //Enabling a html button  document.getElementById("Button").disabled = false;   //Using jQuery //Disabling a html button  $('#Button').attr('disabled','disabled'); //Enabling a html button  $('#Button').removeAttr('disabled');

Example 3: html button disabled

<button type="button" disabled>This button is disabled</button>

Example 4: javascript disable button

document.getElementById(BUTTON_ID).disabled = true;

Example 5: enable html button

$('#Button').prop('disabled', true);


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