Autoclose Alert

Answer :

jsFiddle Demo

This functionality is not possible with an alert. However, you could use a div

function tempAlert(msg,duration) {  var el = document.createElement("div");  el.setAttribute("style","position:absolute;top:40%;left:20%;background-color:white;");  el.innerHTML = msg;  setTimeout(function(){   el.parentNode.removeChild(el);  },duration);  document.body.appendChild(el); } 

Use this like this:


You can't close alert any how .

But you can use div To show your alert MSG.

  function Mymsg(msg,duration) {  var alt = document.createElement("div");      alt.setAttribute("style","position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;background-color:white;");      alt.innerHTML = msg;      setTimeout(function(){       alt.parentNode.removeChild(alt);      },duration);      document.body.appendChild(alt); } 

You can use as :


jsFiddle Demo

Basically you can imitate an alert box with a popup window and close it whenever you want, call the following function:

function myAlert(msg,title,width,height,timeout) {     var myWindow ="", "",`width=${width},height=${height},left=${(window.outerWidth/2-width/2)},top=0`); //open a new popup at the top height and middle width of the current window     myWindow.document.write(`<center id="msg">`+msg+`</center>`); //write the message you want to display     myWindow.document.title = title; //write the title of the alert box     setTimeout(function(){         myWindow.close(); //close the popup     },timeout||3000) //in 3 secondes (3000 milliseconds) } 

by the way if you want to close the alert on call, just use define the variable "myWindow" earlier (out of myAlert() function) as a global variable and then call myWindow.close(); once you already called myAlert() and remove

setTimeout(function(){     myWindow.close(); //close the popup },timeout||3000) //in 3 secondes (3000 milliseconds) 

from the function myAlert()


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