
Showing posts from February, 2020

Checkbox In Bootstrap 4 W3schools Code Example

Example: checkbox html bootstrap 4 Checkbox checked

70 Cm To Feet Code Example

Example: cm to foot 1 cm = 0.032808399 foot

Comfort Word To Pdf Code Example

Example 1: word to pdf // In menu of word document select "File" // Under File select "Print" // In Print form , expand the "Printer" selection box . // Select "Microsoft Print to PDF" // Click "Print" and select a destination folder to save your PDF Document . Example 2: word to pdf Install DoPDF . It automatically added to your office programs .

Avoid Division By Zero In Numpy.where()

Answer : Simply initialize output array with the fallback values (condition-not-satisfying values) or array and then mask to select the condition-satisfying values to assign - out = a.copy() out[mask] /= b[mask] If you are looking for performance, we can use a modified b for the division - out = a / np.where(mask, b, 1) Going further, super-charge it with numexpr for this specific case of positive values in b (>=0) - import numexpr as ne out = ne.evaluate('a / (1 - mask + b)') Benchmarking Code to reproduce the plot: import perfplot import numpy import numexpr numpy.random.seed(0) def setup(n): a = numpy.random.rand(n) b = numpy.random.rand(n) b[b < 0.3] = 0.0 mask = b > 0 return a, b, mask def copy_slash(data): a, b, mask = data out = a.copy() out[mask] /= b[mask] return out def copy_divide(data): a, b, mask = data out = a.copy() return numpy.divide(a, b, out=out, where=mask) def slash_where(...

Discord Colored Text Generator Code Example

Example 1: css discord color guide Default : # 839496 ``` NoKeyWordsHere ``` Quote : # 586e75 ```brainfuck NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Green : # 859900 ```CSS NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Cyan : # 2 aa198 ```yaml NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Blue : # 268 bd2 ```md NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Yellow : #b58900 ```fix NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Orange : #cb4b16 ```glsl NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Red : #dc322f ```diff - NoKeyWordsHere ``` Example 2: css discord color guide And here is the escaped Default : # 839496 ``` This is a for statement ``` Quote : # 586e75 ```bash # This is a for statement ``` Solarized Green : # 859900 ```diff + This is a for statement ``` //Second Way to do it ```diff ! This is a for statement ``` Solarized Cyan : # 2 aa198 ```cs "This is a for statement" ``` ```cs 'This is a for statement' ``` Solarized Blue : # 268 bd2 ```ini [ This is a for statement ] ``` //Second Way to do it ```asciido...

Android How Can I Convert A String To A Editable

Answer : As you probably found out, Editable is an interface so you cannot call new Editable() . However an Editable is nothing more than a String with Spannables, so use SpannableStringBuilder: Editable editable = new SpannableStringBuilder("Pass a string here"); If you only want to change the Spannables, never the text itself, you can use a basic SpannableString. Use Editable.Factory.getInstance().newEditable(str) From the android documentation: Returns a new SpannedStringBuilder from the specified CharSequence. You can override this to provide a different kind of Spanned.

Array Index Of Js Code Example

Example 1: get index of element in array js const beasts = [ 'ant' , 'bison' , 'camel' , 'duck' , 'bison' ] ; console . log ( beasts . indexOf ( 'bison' ) ) ; // expected output: 1 // start from index 2 console . log ( beasts . indexOf ( 'bison' , 2 ) ) ; // expected output: 4 console . log ( beasts . indexOf ( 'giraffe' ) ) ; // expected output: -1 //*** Thanks to MDN Web Docs ***// // Example 2: js array return only certain positions const every_nth = ( arr , nth ) => arr . filter ( ( e , i ) => i % nth == = nth - 1 ) ; console . log ( every_nth ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] , 1 ) ) ; console . log ( every_nth ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] , 2 ) ) ; console . log ( every_nth ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] , 3 ) ) ; console . log ( every_nth ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] ,...

C# Entity Framework Sqlquery Example

Example 1: entity framework with query c# using ( var ctx = new SchoolDBEntities ( ) ) { var studentName = ctx . Students . SqlQuery ( "Select studentid, studentname, standardId from Student where studentname='Bill'" ) . FirstOrDefault < Student > ( ) ; } //Reference Link // Example 2: entity framework with query C# using ( var ctx = new SchoolDBEntities ( ) ) { var studentName = ctx . Students . SqlQuery ( "Select studentid, studentname, standardId from Student where studentname='Bill'" ) . FirstOrDefault < Student > ( ) ; } // //

1 Million Dollars In Pakistani Rupees In Words Code Example

Example: 1.2 million dollar in indian rupees 12,00,000 United States Dollar equals 27,81,06,00,000.00 Vietnamese dong

Apple - Are Apsd, Ntpd, MDNSResponder, Trustd, Netbiosd Necessary For MacOS Functioning?

Answer : apsd - Used for FaceTime push notifications ntpd - Used to synchronize clock mDNSResponder - Part of the Bonjour protocol, used to scan your network for other Bonjour-enabled devices (printers, computers, etc...) trustd - Used for validating SSL certificates netbiosd - Used when interacting with Microsoft shared drives This is all normal activity. However, if you are worried about security, you can disable the services you don't plan on using. Edit: You might not want to disable ntpd and trustd as they are necessary for basic functionality such as browsing websites.

Caption Table In Latex Code Example

Example: latex tabular caption \begin{table} \begin{tabular} ... \end{tabular} \caption{\label{tab:table-name}Your caption.} \end{table}

ChartJS. Change Axis Line Color

Answer : you can change the color by scales configuration under chart options: type: '...', data: {...}, options: { scales: { xAxes: [{gridLines: { color: "#131c2b" }}], yAxes: [{gridLines: { color: "#131c2b" }}] } } I know this question was asked over 2 years ago and the OP has already marked a correct answer, but I have a solution to the problem that the OP mentioned in the comments of the marked answer and I'd like to solve it to save other people some time. But this changes the color of the axis and all the gridLines, what if I just want to change the axis color? For example, I want the axis line solid black and the grid lines grey. If you're trying to achieve this, then the marked answer won't do it for you but the following should: yAxes: [{ gridLines: { zeroLineColor: '#ffcc33' } }] In the Charjs.JS to style the scale label and ticks we can u...

Add Attributes To A Simpletype Or Restriction To A Complextype In Xml Schema

Answer : To add attributes you have to derive by extension, to add facets you have to derive by restriction. Therefore this has to be done in two steps for the element's child content. The attribute can be defined inline: <xsd:simpleType name="timeValueType"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"> <xsd:pattern value="\d{2}:\d{2}"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:complexType name="timeType"> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:extension base="timeValueType"> <xsd:attribute name="format"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"> <xsd:enumeration value="seconds"/> <xsd:enumeration value="minutes"/> <xsd:enumeration value="hours"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:attribu...

Android PdfDocument File Size

Answer : There are a few main things that increases the size of a PDF file: hi-resolution pictures (where lo-res would suffice) embedded fonts (where content would still be readable "good enough" without them) PDF content not required any more for the current version/view (older version of certain objects) embedded ICC profiles embedded third-party files (using the PDF as a container) embedded job tickets (for printing) embedded Javascript and a few more Try using iText. Following links give a basice idea for iText in android. In case anyone is still looking for a solution... I was working on a project to generate PDF from images and not satisfied with the file size generated by both Android's PdfDocument and 3rd party AndroidPdfWriter APW. After some trials I ended...

Base64 Encoder And Decoder

Answer : This is an example of how to use the Base64 class to encode and decode a simple String value. // String to be encoded with Base64 String text = "Test"; // Sending side byte[] data = null; try { data = text.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } String base64 = Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.DEFAULT); // Receiving side byte[] data1 = Base64.decode(base64, Base64.DEFAULT); String text1 = null; try { text1 = new String(data1, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } This excerpt can be included in an Android activity. See android.util.Base64 It seems that this was added in API version 8 or android 2.2 so it will not be available on the older platforms. But the source of it is at android/util/ so if needed one could just copy it unchanged for older versions. Here is a simple method I was going to use until I realized that t...

Bootstrap Gride Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap grid <div class= "container" > <div class= "row" > <div class= "col-sm" > One of three columns </div> <div class= "col-sm" > One of three columns </div> <div class= "col-sm" > One of three columns </div> </div> </div> Example 2: bootstrap Grid system The above example creates three equal-width columns on small , medium , large , and extra large devices using our predefined grid classes. Those columns are centered in the page with the parent .container. Breaking it down , here’s how it works : Containers provide a means to center and horizontally pad your site’s contents. Use .container for a responsive pixel width or .container-fluid for width : 100 % across all viewport and device sizes. Rows are wrappers for columns. Each column has horizontal padding ( called a gutter ) for controlling the spa...

Android Viewmode Import Code Example

Example 1: android viewmodel dependency dependencies { def lifecycle_version = "2.2.0" def arch_version = "2.1.0" // ViewModel implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel:$lifecycle_version" // LiveData implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata:$lifecycle_version" // Lifecycles only (without ViewModel or LiveData) implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:$lifecycle_version" // Saved state module for ViewModel implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate:$lifecycle_version" // Annotation processor annotationProcessor "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-compiler:$lifecycle_version" // alternately - if using Java8, use the following instead of lifecycle-compiler implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:$lifecycle_version" // optional - helpers for implementing ...

Batch Script To Run As Administrator

Answer : Solutions that did not work No: The - create a shortcut [ -> Compatibility -> "run this program as an administrator" ] solution does not work. This option is greyed out in Windows 7. Even with UAC disabled No: The runas /env /user:domain\Administrator <program.exe/command you want to execute> is also not sufficient because it will prompt the user for the admin password. Solution that worked Yes: Disable UAC -> Create a job using task scheduler, this worked for me. Create a job under task scheduler and make it run as a user with administrator permissions. Explicitly mark: "Run with highest privileges" Disable UAC so there will be no prompt to run this task You can let the script enable UAC afterwards by editing the registry if you would want. In my case this script is ran only once by creation of a windows virtual machine, where UAC is disabled in the image. Still looking forward for the best approach for a script run ...