A Module That Has A Basis Shorter Than Its Rank?

Answer :

This is actually proven in Dummit and Foote. To distinguish the two definitions of rank, call the maximum number of elements of MM which are linearly independent the LI rank, and for a free RR-module MM call the size of a basis of MM the free rank.

As you observe, since a basis must be linearly independent, then free rank \leq LI rank. Proposition 3 of §12.1\S12.1 of Dummit and Foote (p. 459) implies the reverse inequality.

Proposition 3. Let RR be an integral domain and let MM be a free RR-module of rank n<n < \infty. Then any n+1n+1 elements of MM are RR-linearly dependent, i.e., for any y1,,yn+1My_1, \ldots, y_{n+1} \in M there are elements r1,,rn+1Rr_1, \ldots, r_{n+1} \in R, not all zero, such that r1y1++rn+1yn+1=0. r_1 y_1 + \cdots + r_{n+1} y_{n+1} = 0 \, .

If you know about localization, you can give a quick proof of this by passing to the field of fractions FF of RR. Let S=R{0}S = R \setminus \{0\} so S1R=FS^{-1}R = F. Then S1MS^{-1} M is a vector space over the field FF, so a maximal linearly independent set is a basis by results about vector spaces. There is an alternative proof included in Dummit and Foote.

Just as a note, on p. 460 Dummit and Foote make the same definition of rank as your professor and remark on the equivalence of the definitions.


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