Check If A String Exists In An Array Case Insensitively

Answer :

Xcode 8 • Swift 3 or later

let list = ["kashif"] let word = "Kashif"  if list.contains(where: {$0.caseInsensitiveCompare(word) == .orderedSame}) {     print(true)  // true } 


if list.contains(where: {$, options: .caseInsensitive) == .orderedSame}) {     print(true)  // true } 

if you would like to know the position(s) of the element in the array (it might find more than one element that matches the predicate):

let indices = list.indices.filter { list[$0].caseInsensitiveCompare(word) == .orderedSame } print(indices)  // [0] 

You can also use localizedStandardContains method which is case and diacritic insensitive:

func localizedStandardContains<T>(_ string: T) -> Bool where T : StringProtocol 

Discussion This is the most appropriate method for doing user-level string searches, similar to how searches are done generally in the system. The search is locale-aware, case and diacritic insensitive. The exact list of search options applied may change over time.

let list = ["kashif"] let word = "Káshif"  if list.contains(where: {$0.localizedStandardContains(word) }) {     print(true)  // true } 

you can use


to convert the string to all lowercase characters

For checking if a string exists in a array (case insensitively), please use


where listArray is the name of array and word is your searched text

This code works in Swift 2.2


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