Audio Auto Play Next Song When Previous Is Finished
Answer :
here is the trick to trigger next song:
music.addEventListener('ended',function(){ //play next song });
How to play another song on same audio tag:
music.pause(); music.src = "new url"; music.load();;
Now here is a cool example of a playlist in html5, you can load each song at the time, case some clients (mobile) will not be happy when you consume the traffic, in next example all audios are loaded at same time to have a smooth transition from song to song, loading the songs:
//playing flag var musicTracker = 'noMusic'; //playlist audios var audios = []; $(".song").each(function(){ var load = new Audio($(this).attr("url")); load.load(); load.addEventListener('ended',function(){ forward(); }); audios.push(load); }); //active track var activeTrack = 0;
Highlighting witch song is playing, with a bit of jquery, yeah, case yeah I'm lazy, lazy:
var showPlaying = function() { var src = audios[activeTrack].src; $(".song").removeClass("playing"); $("div[url='" + src + "']").addClass("playing"); };
Fiddle here
Note: If the sound's doesn't play, manually check if audio url's are accessible
[Here a non vanilla solution.] My playlist consists of four songs, they are named 0.mp3, 1.mp3, 2.mp3 and 3.mp3.
<html> <head><script src=""></script></head> <body> <audio id="player" autoplay controls><source src="0.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio> </body> <script> var x = 0; var music = document.getElementById("player"); $("#player").bind("ended", function(){ x=x+1; music.src = x%4 + ".mp3"; music.load();; }); </script> </html>
The playlist is repeated indefinetely.
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