
Showing posts from November, 2019

Bootstrap Toast Does Not Show Up

Answer : You need to put the valid option. i:e show, hide or a callback function . See - $('.toast').toast('show'); <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <div class="toast" role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true"> <div class="toast-header"> <img height="200px" width="200px" src="" class="rounded mr-2" alt="..."> <strong class="mr-auto">Boots...

Check If Child Exists Firebase Database Android Code Example

Example: firebase check if child exists // Assume we have the following data in the Database: { "name" : { "first" : "Ada" , "last" : "Lovelace" } } // Test for the existence of certain keys within a DataSnapshot var ref = firebase . database ( ) . ref ( "users/ada" ) ; ref . once ( "value" ) . then ( function ( snapshot ) { var a = snapshot . exists ( ) ; // true var b = snapshot . child ( "name" ) . exists ( ) ; // true var c = snapshot . child ( "name/first" ) . exists ( ) ; // true var d = snapshot . child ( "name/middle" ) . exists ( ) ; // false } ) ;

Arctan En Python Code Example

Example: arctant numpy >>> np.arctan([0, 1]) array([ 0. , 0.78539816])

164 Cm In Inches Code Example

Example 1: cm to inch 1 cm = 0.3937 inch Example 2: cm to inches const cm = 1 ; console . log ( `cm : $ { cm } = in : $ { cmToIn ( cm ) } ` ) ; function cmToIn ( cm ) { var in = cm / 2.54 ; return in ; }

Can I Completely Disable Cortana On Windows 10?

Answer : Update 2018: Warning about Taskbar Breakage I just reinstalled Windows 10 Pro and followed all the prescribed steps (both removing Cortana and removing all store apps) and it still works as prescribed. It bears mentioning that removing Cortana will break the Default Taskbar in weird ways. It doesn't break Windows Search - so Explorer search still works in my experience. I've, personally, always replaced the default taskbar with Classic Start (linked via Ninite installer) and have no issues in day-to-day Windows usage otherwise. Update: Remove Cortana via "TakeOwn" Apparently, this trick stopped working at some point. I've used @Meferdati's link at some point successfully: winaero: how to uninstall Cortona. It contains a script that does all the work for you, as well as an explanation of how it works. Below are the steps I've been using, which are very similar to @MC10's answer, except I've always had to "TakeOwn" t...

66 Edge Errors: HTTP403 FORBIDDEN

Answer : This is because the LESS files are not available in the CDN. Maybe other browsers manage to hide this error ? Here is the result in chrome for instance : Be sure to only use the CSS and JS files from bootstrap or host the less versions yourself. :)

Audio Auto Play Next Song When Previous Is Finished

Answer : here is the trick to trigger next song: music.addEventListener('ended',function(){ //play next song }); How to play another song on same audio tag: music.pause(); music.src = "new url"; music.load();; Now here is a cool example of a playlist in html5, you can load each song at the time, case some clients (mobile) will not be happy when you consume the traffic, in next example all audios are loaded at same time to have a smooth transition from song to song, loading the songs: //playing flag var musicTracker = 'noMusic'; //playlist audios var audios = []; $(".song").each(function(){ var load = new Audio($(this).attr("url")); load.load(); load.addEventListener('ended',function(){ forward(); }); audios.push(load); }); //active track var activeTrack = 0; Highlighting witch song is playing, with a bit of jquery, yeah, case yeah I'm lazy, lazy: var ...

Append Object To Object Javascript Code Example

Example 1: append object to object javascript // Spread syntax allows an iterable (in this case an object) to be expanded const originalObj = { name : 'John' , age : 34 } let newObj = { ... originalObj , city : 'New York' } // newObj is now { name: 'John', age: 34, city: 'New York' } // it can also be used with the same object newObj = { ... newObj , language : 'en' } // { name: 'John', age: 34, city: 'New York', language: 'en' } Example 2: object javascript append var list = [ ] ; list . push ( { name : 'John' , last_name : 'Doe' } ) ; list . push ( { name : 'Jane' , last_name : 'Doe' } ) ; console . log ( list ) ; /* Result: [ { "name": "John", "last_name": "Doe" }, { "name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe" } ] */ Example 3: javascript append to obje...

Sum Of Two Large Numbers In C++ Code Example

Example 1: sum of 2 numbers in cpp # include <iostream> int add ( int , int ) ; int main ( ) { using namespace std ; int a , b ; cout << "Enter first number: " ; cin >> a ; cout << "Enter second number: " ; cin >> b ; cout << "Sum = " << add ( a , b ) ; } int add ( int x , int y ) { return ( x + y ) ; } Example 2: sum of two numbers c++ # include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main ( ) { double number1 , number2 ; double sum0 ; sum = number1 + number2 ; cout << sum ; } Example 3: Sum of two large numbers in C++ string sum ( string a , string b ) { string res = "" ; while ( a . length ( ) < b . length ( ) ) a = "0" + a ; while ( b . length ( ) < a . length ( ) ) b = "0" + b ; int carry = 0 ; for ( int i = a . length ( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { int...

After Stormcloak Wins, Are Thalmor Justiciar Still In Skyrim?

Answer : Yes There are still multiple ways to encounter the Thalmor. Losing the civil war does not end the interest of the Aldmeri Dominion in Skyrim. it just changes things up a little. Thalmor patrols hauling Stormcloaks to prison will no longer be present. Encountering the Thalmor in the field, however, is still possible, and they will now be hostile. The Thalmor will no longer have a Markarth presence. Ancano will remain in the College of Winterhold until you complete the Archmage quest there. Thalmor will remain in the embassy, and may respawn, even after the main quest is complete There is still a small chance that Thalmor will be found in the field in combat with people near shrines of Talos The Thalmor prison at Northwatch Keep will become the new military base of operations for the Thalmor and will continue to spawn Thalmor. Imperial dialogue changes somewhat and it will become difficult to find out that Thorald Grey-Mane is being held there, as instead of giv...

How To Convert Char To Int In C Code Example

Example 1: char to int c++ int x = ( int ) character - 48 ; Example 2: turn a char into an int in c int x = character - '0' ; Example 3: c convert char to int int i = ( int ) ( c - '0' ) ; Example 4: converting char to integer c++ int x = '9' - 48 ; // x now equals 9 as an integer Example 5: char to int in c strcpy ( str , "98993489" ) ; val = atoi ( str ) ; printf ( "String value = %s, Int value = %d\n" , str , val ) ;

Bulk Upsert In MongoDB Using Mongoose

Answer : Not in "mongoose" specifically, or at least not yet as of writing. The MongoDB shell as of the 2.6 release actually uses the "Bulk operations API" "under the hood" as it were for all of the general helper methods. In it's implementation, it tries to do this first, and if an older version server is detected then there is a "fallback" to the legacy implementation. All of the mongoose methods "currently" use the "legacy" implementation or the write concern response and the basic legacy methods. But there is a .collection accessor from any given mongoose model that essentially accesses the "collection object" from the underlying "node native driver" on which mongoose is implemented itself: var mongoose = require('mongoose'), Schema = mongoose.Schema; mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test'); var sampleSchema = new Schema({},{ "strict": false }); va...