Backup AWS Dynamodb To S3

Answer :

With introduction of AWS Data Pipeline, with a ready made template for dynamodb to S3 backup, the easiest way is to schedule a back up in the Data Pipeline [link],

In case you have special needs (data transformation, very fine grain control ...) consider the answer by @greg

There are some good guides for working with MapReduce and DynamoDB. I followed this one the other day and got data exporting to S3 going reasonably painlessly. I think your best bet would be to create a hive script that performs the backup task, save it in an S3 bucket, then use the AWS API for your language to pragmatically spin up a new EMR job flow, complete the backup. You could set this as a cron job.

Example of a hive script exporting data from Dynamo to S3:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_table_dynamodb (     company_id string     ,id string     ,name string     ,city string     ,state string     ,postal_code string)  STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler'  TBLPROPERTIES (""="my_table","dynamodb.column.mapping" = "id:id,name:name,city:city,state:state,postal_code:postal_code");  CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_table_s3 (     ,id string     ,name string     ,city string     ,state string     ,postal_code string)  ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','  LOCATION 's3://yourBucket/backup_path/dynamo/my_table';   INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE my_table_s3  SELECT * from my_table_dynamodb; 

Here is an example of a PHP script that will spin up a new EMR job flow:

$emr = new AmazonEMR();  $response = $emr->run_job_flow(             'My Test Job',             array(                 "TerminationProtected" => "false",                 "HadoopVersion" => "0.20.205",                 "Ec2KeyName" => "my-key",                 "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps" => "false",                 "InstanceGroups" => array(                     array(                         "Name" => "Master Instance Group",                         "Market" => "ON_DEMAND",                         "InstanceType" => "m1.small",                         "InstanceCount" => 1,                         "InstanceRole" => "MASTER",                     ),                     array(                         "Name" => "Core Instance Group",                         "Market" => "ON_DEMAND",                         "InstanceType" => "m1.small",                         "InstanceCount" => 1,                         "InstanceRole" => "CORE",                     ),                 ),             ),             array(                 "Name" => "My Test Job",                 "AmiVersion" => "latest",                 "Steps" => array(                     array(                         "HadoopJarStep" => array(                             "Args" => array(                                 "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/hive/hive-script",                                 "--base-path",                                 "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/hive/",                                 "--install-hive",                                 "--hive-versions",                                 "",                             ),                             "Jar" => "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar",                         ),                         "Name" => "Setup Hive",                         "ActionOnFailure" => "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW",                     ),                     array(                         "HadoopJarStep" => array(                             "Args" => array(                                 "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/hive/hive-script",                                 "--base-path",                                 "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/hive/",                                 "--hive-versions",                                 "",                                 "--run-hive-script",                                 "--args",                                 "-f",                                 "s3n://myBucket/hive_scripts/hive_script.hql",                                 "-d",                                 "INPUT=Var_Value1",                                 "-d",                                 "LIB=Var_Value2",                                 "-d",                                 "OUTPUT=Var_Value3",                             ),                             "Jar" => "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar",                         ),                         "Name" => "Run Hive Script",                         "ActionOnFailure" => "CANCEL_AND_WAIT",                     ),                 ),                 "LogUri" => "s3n://myBucket/logs",             )         );  } 

With the introduction of DynamoDB Streams and Lambda - you should be able to take backups and incremental backups of your DynamoDB data.

You can associate your DynamoDB Stream with a Lambda Function to automatically trigger code for every data update (Ie: data to another store like S3)

A lambda function you can use to tie up with DynamoDb for incremental backups:

I've provided a detailed explanation how you can use DynamoDB Streams, Lambda and S3 versioned buckets to create incremental backups for your data in DynamoDb on my blog:


As of Dec 2017, DynamoDB has released On Demand Backups/Restores. This allows you to take backups and store them natively in DynamoDB. They can be restored to a new table. A detailed walk through is provided here, including code to schedule them:



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