A Putty Shortcut That Automatically Launches A Profile?

Answer :

From the Putty FAQ:

To run a PuTTY session saved under the name ‘mysession’, create a Windows shortcut that invokes PuTTY with a command line like \path\name\to\putty.exe -load "mysession"


In Windows 7, the shortcut has to be in quotes like this:

"\path\name\to\putty.exe" -load "mysession"

I had referred to Putty Connection Manager as a useful addon, giving one click connects and tabbed windows, but it seems the app is dead and all the files removed from the hosting site.

While checking into this, I found a fork of the project, called superputty (see below) and a reference to KiTTY - a Win32 native version of PuTTY with extra features so here you go:


KiTTY: http://kitty.9bis.com/

In windows use this target for putty shortcut, for save username and password. Then load a saved session or add to Task Manager:
"C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe" -load "your_saved_session" -l "username@your_server_address" -pw "your_password"

  1. right click on putty shortcut
  2. fill out "target" field of shortcut using above code (alter to your own properties).
  3. click save button.

After that when you click on PuTTy shortcut it loads your session automatically using given username and password.


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