Bootstrap 4 Footer Examples
Example 1: bootstrap 4 footer <!-- Footer --> <footer class= "page-footer font-small blue pt-4" > <!-- Footer Links --> <div class= "container-fluid text-center text-md-left" > <!-- Grid row --> <div class= "row" > <!-- Grid column --> <div class= "col-md-6 mt-md-0 mt-3" > <!-- Content --> <h5 class= "text-uppercase" >Footer Content</h5> <p>Here you can use rows and columns to organize your footer content.</p> </div> <!-- Grid column --> <hr class= "clearfix w-100 d-md-none pb-3" > <!-- Grid column --> <div class= "col-md-3 mb-md-0 mb-3" > <!-- Links --> <h5 class= "text-uppercase" >Links</h5> <ul class= "list-unstyled" > <li> ...