Cant Cancel Axios Post Request Via CancelToken

Answer :

I have found out that you can cancel post request this way,i missunderstand this documentation part. In previous code,i have passed cancelToken to the POST data request not as a axios setting.

import axios from 'axios'   var CancelToken = axios.CancelToken; var cancel;  axios({   method: 'post',   url: '/test',   data: {     firstName: 'Fred',     lastName: 'Flintstone'   },   cancelToken: new CancelToken(function executor(c) {       // An executor function receives a cancel function as a parameter       cancel = c;     }) }).then(()=>console.log('success')).catch(function(err){    if(axios.isCancel(err)){      console.log('im canceled');    }   else{      console.log('im server response error');    }  }); // this cancel the request cancel() 

Cancel previous Axios request on new request with cancelToken and source.

 // cancelToken and source declaration   const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken;  let source = CancelToken.source();   source && source.cancel('Operation canceled due to new request.');   // save the new request for cancellation  source = axios.CancelToken.source();, postData, {      cancelToken: source.token  })  .then((response)=>{      return response &&;  })  .catch((error)=>{      return error;  }); 


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