Apache Httpd Build From Source: Fatal Error: Expat.h: No Such File Or Directory

Answer :

Download expat-2.2.6.tar.bz2 from https://libexpat.github.io/.

Extract expat using following command

tar xvjf expat-2.2.6.tar.bz2 -C /path-to-dir

Change to the extracted expat directory.

Build expat using following commands

  1. ./configure --prefix=/path-to-expat-installation-dir

  2. make

  3. make install

While building Apache Httpd from source specify --with-expat

./configure --with-included-apr --prefix=/path-to-apache-installation --with-expat=/path-to-expat-installation-dir

Do you have the expat library installed? (Because that's where the expat.h comes from.)

  • https://libexpat.github.io/

If you cannot install it globally to the system, I'm sure Apache's ./configure script must have an option to support a custom location for the library as well.


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