Android Resource Linking Failed

Answer :

Please, provide some code. That will be very helpful.

But, for now as the error shows:

Daemon: AAPT2 aapt2-3.2.0-alpha17-4804415-windows Daemon #0

It means you must have some error in your XML files (layout files or drawable files), check your recent history of your XML file if you are working on Android Studio

right click on xml file-> Local history-> show History

or look for any error that XML file is showing.

values.xml:352: error: resource android:attr/popupPromptView is private.

And also refer to this error in values.xml file

It happened to me twice, and both times it was an xml spelling error, and the error message was not very useful. The best way to identify a problem is to Analyze -> Inspect code -> search for clues in the "Syntax error" and find the xml with an error.

I get this error while creating the legacy icons (Image asset) tool - I find that the Android studio does not close <Vector> tag in ic_launcher_foreground.xml. I have to fix these errors by adding manually the close tag </vector>


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