Bundle Install Returns "Could Not Locate Gemfile"

Answer :

You just need to change directories to your app, THEN run bundle install :)

You may also indicate the path to the gemfile in the same command e.g.

BUNDLE_GEMFILE="MyProject/Gemfile.ios" bundle install 

I had this problem as well on an OSX machine. I discovered that rails was not installed... which surprised me as I thought OSX always came with Rails. To install rails

  • sudo gem install rails
  • to install jekyll I also needed sudo
  • sudo gem install jekyll bundler
  • cd ~/Sites
  • jekyll new <foldername>
  • cd <foldername> OR cd !$ (that is magic ;)
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Then in your browser just go to and it really should be running


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