Check If A Windows Service Exists And Delete In PowerShell
Answer :
You can use WMI or other tools for this since there is no Remove-Service
cmdlet until Powershell 6.0 (See Remove-Service doc)
For example:
$service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='servicename'" $service.delete()
Or with the sc.exe
sc.exe delete ServiceName
Finally, if you do have access to PowerShell 6.0:
Remove-Service -Name ServiceName
There's no harm in using the right tool for the job, I find running (from Powershell)
sc.exe \\server delete "MyService"
the most reliable method that does not have many dependencies.
If you just want to check service existence:
if (Get-Service "My Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { "service exists" }
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