Array Filter Is Numbering In Php Code Example

Example 1: php array filter syntax

$numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];  function MyFunction($number) {   return $number > 5; }  $filteredArray = array_filter($numbers, "MyFunction");  /**  * `$filteredArray` now contains: `[6, 8, 10]`  * NB: Use this to remove what you don't want in the array  * @see `array_map` when you want to alter/change elements  * in the array.  */

Example 2: how can use filter in php7.2

Odd : Array (     [a] => 1     [c] => 3     [e] => 5 ) Even: Array (     [0] => 6     [2] => 9     [4] => 10     [6] => 12 )


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