Can I Embed HTML Into An HTML5 SVG Fragment?

Answer :

Yes, with the <foreignObject> element, see this question for some examples.

Alternatively, if you have an html5 document you can also use CSS positioning and z-index to make parts of html visible where you want laid out on top of the svg. If you do it like that you don't need to nest the html inside the svg fragment. This will give you the most consistent behaviour across browsers in my experience.

Foreign Objects are not supported on Internet explorer. Please check ForeignObject

Copied from (thank you, Janu Verma)

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <title>HTML inside SVG</title>     <style type="text/css"></style></head>     <body>         <div>I'm a div inside the HTML</div>         <svg width="500" height="300" style="border:1px red solid" xmlns="">             <foreignobject class="node" x="46" y="22" width="100" height="100">                 <div style="border:1px green solid">I'm a div inside a SVG.</div>                             </foreignobject>             <circle cx="100" cy="160" r="50" fill="blue"></circle>         </svg>         <div>Interesting! But you a Foreign Object.</div>     </body> </html>


Note that there is a 'camel error' in the above - it's supposed to be foreignObject (capital O), not foreignobject. It doesn't matter if the misspelling is in 'straight' HTML/SVG. But if you use JavaScript (.createElementNS), then it won't work without proper camel case (April 2020)


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