Callback Returns Undefined With

Answer :

The API is asynchronous - it doesn't return it directly, rather passing it as an argument to the callback function. The function call itself always returns undefined.

This is often used to allow other methods to run without having to wait until something responds or completes - an example of this is setTimeout (only difference is that it returns a timer value, not undefined).

For example, take this:

setTimeout(function () { alert(1); }, 10000); alert(0); 

Because setTimeout is asynchronous, it will not stop all code until the entire function completes, rather returning initially, only calling a function when it is completed later on - this is why 0 comes up before 1.

For this reason, you cannot simply do something like:

// "foo" will always be undefined var foo = asyncBar(function (e) { return e; });  

Generally, you should put what you want to do in your callback (the function that is called when the asynchronous function is completed). This is a fairly common way of writing asynchronous code:

function getValue(callback) {"value", callback); } 

You could place an entire portion of your code inside the callback - there's nothing stopping you from doing so. So instead of doing the following:

console.log(getValue()); // typical synchronous method of doing something 

This would probably be a better idea:

// how it would be done in asynchronous code getValue(function (value) {   console.log(value); });  

Chrome storage API is asynchronous and it uses callback, that's why you're getting this behavior.

You can use Promise API to overcome this asynchronous issue, which is simpler and cleaner. Here is an example:

async function getLocalStorageValue(key) {     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {         try {   , function (value) {                 resolve(value);             })         }         catch (ex) {             reject(ex);         }     }); }  const result = await getLocalStorageValue("my-key"); 

The is called asynchronously, that's why you have to pass it a callback, so that it is executed in the future.

When you try to print the returned value of getModeyou are printing the return value of whatever returns after queuing the asynchronous call to be executed.

This is a common mistake people do in javascript, while they are learning to use asynch calls.


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