
Showing posts from January, 2016

Bluebird .call()

. call ( String methodName , [ any args ... ] ) This is a convenience method for doing: promise . then ( function ( obj ) { return obj [ methodName ] . call ( obj , arg ... ) ; } ) ; For example ( some is a built-in array method): var Promise = require ( "bluebird" ) ; var fs = Promise . promisifyAll ( require ( "fs" ) ) ; var path = require ( "path" ) ; var thisPath = process . argv [ 2 ] || "." ; var now = Date . now ( ) ; fs . readdirAsync ( thisPath ) . map ( function ( fileName ) { return fs . statAsync ( path . join ( thisPath , fileName ) ) ; } ) . call ( "some" , function ( stat ) { return ( now - new Date ( stat . mtime ) ) < 10000 ; } ) . then ( function ( someFilesHaveBeenModifiedLessThanTenSecondsAgo ) { console . log ( someFilesHaveBeenModifiedLessThanTenSecondsAgo ) ; } ) ; Chaining lo-dash or undersco...

Bidirectional Drag'n Drop Is Not Working With VirtualBox And Ubuntu 14.04

Answer : "Drag and Drop" was introduced with the guest additions in Virtual Box 5.0. with some limitations: At the moment drag and drop is implemented for Windows- and X-Windows-based systems, both, on host and guest side. As X-Windows sports different drag and drop protocols only the most used one, XDND, is supported for now. VirtualBox Manual In addition to that only drag & drop of simple text, or files and directories of the file manager not running with administrative permissions is supported. Preliminary experimental versions of Virtual Box "Drag'N'Drop" to a Linux guest only were introduced in version 4.2 . According to the Release notes: "Added experimental support for Drag'n'drop from the host to Linux guests. Support for more guests and for guest-to-host is planned." I did not see any newer release notes indicating that status had changed. So, Drag 'n' ...

289 Oz En G Code Example

Example: oz to g 1 ounce (oz) = 28.3495231 grams (g)

Android Emulator Snapshot File Location

Answer : To retrieve the saved snapshot on disc, you have to go to the AVD location. In Android Virtual Device Manager, right click on your AVD, then show on disc . You will find a directory call snapshots There's now a setting for this in the Emulator itself. In the options menu, tap on the Three Dots button to open Extended Controls. Tap the 'Settings' item in the left-hand list and you'll see 'Screenshot save location', which is an editable field. Press for 3 dots. Then Press the Settings and in top right corner you will see the screenshot folder location.

Bootstrap 4 Multiple File Upload With Preview Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap 4 multiple file upload < input type="file" name="img" multiple > Example 2: bootstrap multiple image upload with preview < div class = " file-loading " > < input id = " input-b6 " name = " input-b6[] " type = " file " multiple > </ div > < script > $ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $ ( "#input-b6" ) . fileinput ( { showUpload : false , dropZoneEnabled : false , maxFileCount : 10 , mainClass : "input-group-lg" } ) ; } ) ; </ script >

Apple - Any IPhone Apps To Test The Touchscreen?

Answer : Sparky works for testing multitouch, so you can try different areas of the screen by holding one finger in a place you know works and move the other elsewhere. If the line breaks, then the second finger is in a location that doesn't work. You can test it full screen (without the Safari UI but the status bar is still present) by adding it to the home screen.

Sizeof String C++ Code Example

Example 1: c++ string size // C++ string size str . length ( ) ; str . size ( ) ; // synonym Example 2: create a string of length c++ # include <string> # include <iostream> int main ( ) { std :: string s ( 21 , '*' ) ; std :: cout << s << std :: endl ; return 0 ; } Example 3: c++ string size // string::size # include <iostream> # include <string> int main ( ) { std :: string str ( "Test string" ) ; std :: cout << "The size of str is " << str . size ( ) << " bytes.\n" ; return 0 ; }

C Code To Mips Assembly Converter Online Code Example

Example: convert c++ to mips assembly code online # Not sure what to do now ? Enter your mips code here

Apple - Alternative To Windows Snipping Tool For Mac OSX

Answer : There is now a blog entry about Taking Screenshots in a Snap . It's built into Mac OS. ⌘ + ⇧ + 3 captures the whole screen ⌘ + ⇧ + 4 captures a custom rectangle (click and drag over the screen region you want to capture) ⌘ + ⇧ + 4 then space captures a specific window (move the mouse cursor over the desired window, then click) Press esc to cancel. Screenshots are saved onto your Desktop and timestamped. Holding control in addition to any of the sequences above causes the image to be copied instead of saved to the desktop. By default the image format is png . However, you can change the format by typing in the Terminal : defaults write type image_format killall SystemUIServer Where image_format is one of jpg , tiff , pdf , png , bmp or pict (among others). If you omit the second line, you will need to log out and in again for the change to take effect. The settings for the shortcuts in the system preferences are ...

Black Color Html Code Example

Example 1: html color black #000000 - black Example 2: html color codes <!-- Check these best user friendly html color codes --> #1ca69d #e31ce0 #c13e72 #99b34d #3affb9 #6c7093 #b35ba0 #1b1452 Example 3: html color codes Use for this

Unity Enable/ Disable Button Code Example

Example: how to disable buttons in unity Button . interactable = false ; // Uses Disabled Color And Cant Click It Button . enabled = false ; // Does Not Use Disabled Color And Cant Click It Button . gameObject . SetActive ( false ) ; // Removes It From UI Entirely

Chrome Web App Manifest: Differences Between Display Types

Answer : When you use standalone it looks like native app. When you use fullscreen there is no status bar etc. Probably you want to use standalone , because fullscreen has very specific use-case (e.g. gaming).

Bring Out The Inner Llama Of A Sentence

Answer : Perl, 52 bytes The solution is provided as function that takes the string as argument and returns a list of positions. One-based positions, case-sensitive search, without newlines: 52 bytes sub l{pop=~/(l).*?(l).*?(a).*?(m).*?(a)/;@+[1..$#+]} The case-sensitive search returns an empty array in the example of the question, because after matching the first three letters the lowercase letter m is missing in the input text. Support of newlines: + 1 byte = 53 bytes sub l{pop=~/(l).*?(l).*?(a).*?(m).*?(a)/s;@+[1..$#+]} The text can now span several lines. Case-insensitive search: + 1 byte = 54 bytes sub l{pop=~/(l).*?(l).*?(a).*?(m).*?(a)/si;@+[1..$#+]} Now the example in the question reports a list of index positions, they are one-based numbers: [45 68 77 106 115] Zero-based positions: + 9 bytes = 63 bytes sub l{pop=~/(l).*?(l).*?(a).*?(m).*?(a)/si;map{$_-1}@+[1..$#+]} Result for the example in the question: [44 67 76 105 114] Ungolfed: The l...

Callback Returns Undefined With

Answer : The API is asynchronous - it doesn't return it directly, rather passing it as an argument to the callback function. The function call itself always returns undefined . This is often used to allow other methods to run without having to wait until something responds or completes - an example of this is setTimeout (only difference is that it returns a timer value, not undefined ). For example, take this: setTimeout(function () { alert(1); }, 10000); alert(0); Because setTimeout is asynchronous, it will not stop all code until the entire function completes, rather returning initially, only calling a function when it is completed later on - this is why 0 comes up before 1. For this reason, you cannot simply do something like: // "foo" will always be undefined var foo = asyncBar(function (e) { return e; }); Generally, you should put what you want to do in your callback (the function that is called when the asynchronous function i...

Checking Django Version Code Example

Example 1: django version check python - m django - - version Example 2: how to check if django is installed in ubuntu $ django - admin . py version Example 3: check django version windows >> > import django >> > django . VERSION ( 2 , 0 , 0 , 'final' , 0 ) Example 4: current django version django versions python versions

Area Of Trapezium Calculator Code Example

Example: area of trapezium Area of a trapezium (trapezoid) = (Base1 + Base2) / 2 * height

Code Blocks C++ Online Compiler Code Example

Example: cpp online compiler Best Site With auto compile : https : //

CodeIgniter 4 Redirect Function Not Working

Answer : as per CI 4 use return redirect()->to('url'); if you are using route then use return redirect()->route('named_route'); In codeigniter 4 redirect()->to() returns a RedirectResponse object, which you need to return from your controller to do the redirect. for ex. class Home extends BaseController { public function index() { return redirect()->to(''); } }

%s Format Specifier In C Code Example

Example: format specifiers in c follow this for best answer with example : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - https : // https : //

Chart.js Not Height Responsive

Answer : 1. Create Class .chart-container { position: relative; margin: auto; height: 80vh; width: 80vw; } 2. Create Div With class chart-container and place canvas tag inside it. <div class="chart-container"> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> </div> 3. Chart options :- Use property maintainAspectRatio: false, options: { maintainAspectRatio: false, responsive: true, ...... } As from Docs for Chart.js it's recommended to wrap canvas into container div and change width/height of the container. But basically it's changing either by given width or height. Found a more flexible custom solution from lannymcnie that can be used for any canvas responsiveness: var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas"); var c = new createjs.Shape();"#f00").dc(0,0,50); // Drawn a 100x100 ci...