Add A Class To The HTML Tag With React?

Answer :

TL;DR use document.body.classList.add and document.body.classList.remove

I would have two functions that toggle a piece of state to show/hide the modal within your outer component.

Inside these functions I would use the document.body.classList.add and document.body.classList.remove methods to manipulate the body class dependant on the modal's state like below:

openModal = (event) => {   document.body.classList.add('modal-open');   this.setState({ showModal: true }); } hideModal = (event) => {   document.body.classList.remove('modal-open');   this.setState({ showModal: false }); } 

With the new React (16.8) this can be solved with hooks:

import {useEffect} from 'react';  const addBodyClass = className => document.body.classList.add(className); const removeBodyClass = className => document.body.classList.remove(className);  export default function useBodyClass(className) {     useEffect(         () => {             // Set up             className instanceof Array ? : addBodyClass(className);              // Clean up             return () => {                 className instanceof Array                     ?                     : removeBodyClass(className);             };         },         [className]     ); } 

then, in the component

export const Sidebar = ({position = 'left', children}) => {     useBodyClass(`page--sidebar-${position}`);     return (         <aside className="...">             {children}         </aside>     ); }; 

Actually you don't need 2 functions for opening and closing, you could use document.body.classList.toggle

const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false) useEffect(() => {   document.body.classList.toggle('modal-open', isMobileOpen); },[isOpen])      <button onCLick={()=> setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>Toggle Modal</button> 


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