Android Notification.PRIORITY_MAX Is Deprecated What Is The Alternative To Show Notification On Top?
Answer : PRIORITY_MAX This constant was deprecated in API level 26. use IMPORTANCE_HIGH instead. PRIORITY_MAX int PRIORITY_MAX This constant was deprecated in API level 26. use IMPORTANCE_HIGH instead. Highest priority, for your application's most important items that require the user's prompt attention or input. Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002) // create ios channel NotificationChannel iosChannel = new NotificationChannel(IOS_CHANNEL_ID, IOS_CHANNEL_NAME, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH); iosChannel.enableLights(true); iosChannel.enableVibration(true); iosChannel.setLightColor(Color.GRAY); iosChannel.setLockscreenVisibility(Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC); getManager().createNotificationChannel(iosChannel); In android O there was introduction of Notification channels. In particular you define Channel with constru...