Change Default Font SSRS Visual Studio

Answer :

Unfortunately by design, you are not allowed to set default font etc. There is active defect in Microsoft

I know it's a very old post, but for others in search of an answer, I thought I'd add the following. If I want all my textboxes in a font other than Arial 10pt, I will make the first textbox and set my font styling, then use that as a master textbox, copying it and changing the interior text rather than creating new textboxes each time. It's a hack, but since VS still can't do this in 2015, it's the best we have.

You can always open code(XML)-view and edit font properties there. Eg. search for
<FontFamily> -tag and add <FontSize>10pt</FontSize> as a sibling for <Style>-tag.

Before editing the XML, close report design-view. Otherwise properties of objects are not functioning properly.


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