11111 Binary To Decimal Code Example

Example 1: binary to decimal

double binaryToDecimal(char binary[DIM]) { 	char binary2[DIM] = "", floa[DIM] = ""; 	double decimal = 0, negDec = 0, flo = 0; 	int count = 0, j = 0, i = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, count1 = 0, d = 0, k = 0; 	while (binary[d] != '\0'&&binary[d] != '.') { d++; } 	d--; 	if (binary[0] == '-') { 		while (binary[k] != '\0') { 			binary[k] = binary[k + 1]; 			k++; 		} 		k = 0; 		while (binary[k] == '0') { 			d--; 			k++; 		} 		negDec = pot(2.000, d*1.000, 1); 	} 	while (binary[i] != '\0'&&binary[i] != '.') { 		i++; 	} 	i--; 	count = i; 	h = i; 	while (binary[h] != '\0') { 		floa[g] = binary[h + 2]; 		g++; 		h++; 	} 	g--; 	count1 = g; 	while (i >= 0) { 		binary2[j] = binary[i]; 		i--; 		j++; 	} 	binary2[j] = '\0'; 	while (i <= count) { 		if (binary2[i] == '1') { 			decimal = decimal + pot(2.000, i, 1); 		} 		i++; 	} 	h = -1; 	g = 0; 	while (g <= count1) { 		if (floa[g] == '1') { 			flo = flo + pot(2.000, h, 1); 		} 		g++; 		h--; 	} 	decimal = decimal + flo; 	if (negDec > 0) { 		decimal = (decimal - negDec); 		if (flo > 0) { 			double f = fl(decimal); 			f = 1 - f; 			decimal = returnDeciPart(decimal) - f; 		} 	} 	return decimal; }

Example 2: binary to decimal

import java.util.Scanner;  public class BinaryToDecimal {  	public static void main(String[] args) { 		// TODO Auto-generated method stub 		Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); 		String binary = sc.next(); 		// This is one line solution for binary to decimal in java 		System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(binary,2)); 		 		//This solution is based on formula for binary to decimal conversion 		int n=0,dec=0; 		for(int i=binary.length()-1;i>=0;i--) 		{ 			dec = dec + Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(binary.charAt(i)))*(int)Math.pow(2,n); 			n++; 		} 		System.out.println(dec);  	}  }

Example 3: binary to decimal

= (11001010)2 = 1x27+1x26+0x25+0x24+1x23+0x22+1x21+0x20 = 128+64+0+0+8+0+2+0 = (202)10


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