
Showing posts from July, 2014

Ahs Email Code Example

Example: ahk send Send Sincerely,{enter}John Smith ; Types a two-line signature. Send !fs ; Select the File->Save menu (Alt+F followed by S). Send {End}+{Left 4} ; Jump to the end of the text then send four shift+left-arrow keystrokes. SendInput {Raw}A long series of raw characters sent via the fastest method.

Cannot GET /assets/vendor/swiper/ Code Example

Example: Cannot GET /assets/vendor/swiper/ /*! jQuery v2.0.3 | (c) 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | //@ */

Are There Any Advantages To Using Rigid RF Coaxial Cables?

Answer : So, are there any advantages to using rigid RF coaxial cables? First, the product you show might be semi-rigid rather than rigid cable. In either case, the main advantage is lower loss, because of the solid outer conductor (as compared to the braided o.c. used in flexible cables). The solid o.c. also reduces radiation, which can be important if there are sensitive receivers nearby. In a production environment the rigidity of the cable is itself an advantage because it means the system will always be assembled with the cable arranged in the correct way, rather than however the assembly worker can make it fit. The rigidity of the cable also improves phase stability. Most of the disadvantages you cited can be mitigated, or don't even apply when manufacturing in volume. Limited in available angles 45° or 90°. Not true at all. There are numerous shops that will bend these cables to whatever angles you like, following your drawings. Sold in sections s...

Angular2 NgModelChange Previous Value

Answer : What you can do is, DEMO : <input type="text" [ngModel]="text" //<<<###changed [(ngModel)]="text" to [ngModel]="text" (ngModelChange)="textChanged($event)"> private textChanged(event) { console.log('changed', this.text, event); this.text=event; //<<<###added } So found kinda weird(at least for me) possible solution for this with least changes in the code in question. So on assigning the (ngModelChange) attribute before [(ngModel)] what I get is following with the same handler: changed *older value* *new value* I get the new value in this.text like so: setTimeout(() => console.log(this.text), 0); all you need to do is to put (ngModelChange)="textChanged($event)" to the left of [(ngModel)] element in the html tag, like: <input (whateve...

Checkout Or List Remote Branches In GitPython

Answer : To list branches you can use: from git import Repo r = Repo(your_repo_path) repo_heads = r.heads # or it's alias: r.branches r.heads returns git.util.IterableList (inherits after list ) of git.Head objects, so you can: repo_heads_names = [ for h in repo_heads] And to checkout eg. master : repo_heads['master'].checkout() # you can get elements of IterableList through it_list['branch_name'] # or it_list.branch_name Module mentioned in the question is GitPython which moved from gitorious to Github. After you’ve done from git import Git g = Git() (and possibly some other command to init g to the repository you care about) all attribute requests on g are more or less transformed into a call of git attr *args . Therefore: g.checkout("mybranch") should do what you want. g.branch() will list the branches. However, note that these are very low level commands and they will return the exact code that the git executables...

Best Transistor To Use For Audio Amplifier

Answer : You could successfully build a audio amp from many different types of BJTs. It will be the circuit, not the transistor, that makes the amp work well. I'd pick jellybean parts like the 2N4401 (NPN) and 2N4403 (PNP) and stick with them for everything except for the final power output transistors. Lots of parts could fill that role. If you have your own favorite jellybean small signal transistors, use them if you prefer. The ones I mentioned have reasonable gain and can handle up to 40 V, which should be plenty good enough to allow for a amp to impress your profesor with. There are lots of possible power transistors to use as the final output. If you are aiming for a few Watts, I'd probably go with basic parts like the TIP41 (NPN) and TIP42 (PNP). Again though, it's not the choice of transistor that will make or break this project. You can certainly create a impressive audio amp with the transistors I mention, but you can also make a mess. It's real...

Amazon RDS Running Out Of Freeable Memory. Should I Be Worried?

Answer : Short answer - you shouldn't worry about FreeableMemory unless it is became really low (about 100-200 Mb) or significant swapping occur (see RDS SwapUsage metric). FreeableMemory is not a MySQL metric, but OS metric. It is hard to give precise definition, but you can treat it as memory which OS will be able to allocate to anyone who request it (in your case it likely will be MySQL). MySQL have a set of settings which are restricting it's overall memory usage to some cap(you can use something like this to actually calculate it). It's unlikely that your instance will ever hit this limit, due to the fact that in general you never reach max number of connections, but this is still possible. Now going back to "decline" in FreeableMemory metric. For the MySQL most of the memory consume by InnoDB buffer pool (see here for details). RDS instances in there config by default have size for this buffer set to 75% of hosts physical memory - which in your case i...

Bootstrap 5 Cheat Sheet Code Example

Example: bootstrap cheat sheet Two very good bootstrap Cheat Sheets are : https : // 5.0 /examples/cheatsheet/ https : // 2020 / 03 /Bootstrap-Cheat-Sheet-websitesetup.org_.pdf

Latex Noindent Code Example

Example 1: latex noindent \setlength\parindent { 0 pt } Example 2: latex noindent for whole document % In preamble : \setlength\parindent { 0 pt }

Adjust Bootstrap Tooltip Width

Answer : I hope I'm not too late to post this for future programmers looking for answers. There's a question like this one. Go to this link: How do you change the width and height of Twitter Bootstrap's tooltips? One of the answers there is very useful. It was answered by @knobli. I don't know how to link the answer but I hope you can go to that page and vote it up. Anyway, I'll just copy it right here. For CSS: .tooltip-inner { max-width: 100% !important; } For HTML: <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-container="body" title="" data-original-title="Insert Title">Insert Title</a> Just add data-container="body" and you're ready to go.

Anisible Pip3 Install Keeps Failing On Remote Service (No Setuptools Found In Remote Host, Please Install It First)

Answer : Ansible needs setuptools to be installed for the version of Python that is being used to run Ansible modules, which, by default, is Python 2. So you need to run pip2 install setuptools or equivalent in order to install setuptools in Python 2.

Cannot Connect MySQL Workbench To MySQL Server

Answer : You have installed MySQLWorkbench as a Snap package. You want to store the database password(s) in the Gnome Passwords & Keys facility. However, a Snap package is sandboxed ; it is not by default allowed to access this service. When you choose "Store in keychain" MySQLWorkbench is blocked by AppArmor. You need to enter a command to allow this package to access the service. The command is: sudo snap connect mysql-workbench-community:password-manager-service :password-manager-service I got this from the discussion at this site. Go to app store . Search for mysql-workbench . Click on permission . Enable Read, add, change, or remove saved password̀s

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Session' Not Found Code Example

Example 1: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Session' not found use Session; Example 2: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\File' not found // in laravel append the following at the top of controller use File;

Appointment Font Awesome Icon Code Example

Example: fontawesome calendar < i class = " fa fa-calendar " aria-hidden = " true " > </ i >

C Ternary Operator Syntax Code Example

Example: how to use ternary operator in c programming int a = 10 , b = 20 , c ; c = ( a < b ) ? a : b ; printf ( "%d" , c ) ;

Bootstrap Button Color Change Code Example

Example 1: custom color bootstrap buttonm .btn-primary, .btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary:visited { background-color: #8064A2 !important; } Example 2: how to change the color of a bootstrap button .btn-default { background-color: #68889E; color:#FFF; border-color: #2F3E48; } .btn-default:hover, .btn-default:focus, .btn-default:active,, .open .dropdown-toggle.btn-default { background-color: #2F3E48; color:#FFF; border-color: #31347B; } Example 3: button color bootstrap < div class = " btn-group btn-group-toggle " data-toggle = " buttons " > < label class = " btn btn-secondary active " > < input type = " radio " name = " options " id = " option1 " autocomplete = " off " checked > Active </ label > < label class = " btn btn-secondary " > < input type = " radio " n...

Apple - Can An IPhone 7 Be Made To Function As A NFC Tag?

Answer : The iPhone is perfectly capable of this, but this is a privilege Apple keeps to themselves. If you're jailbroken, you can install NFCWriter X and do pretty much everything you've asked for. I haven't personally checked, but I would strongly assume this is the exact same way Apple Pay works as well. So the iPhone is certainly capable of this. The problem is that apps are not capable of this, because Apple denies them the availability of such an API. The CoreNFC framework only allows reading, and the story has gone so far as that organizations have sought fully third-party access to the iPhone's NFC chip on a legal basis. They were dismissed however, with Apple Pay keeping its uniquely privileged status. No. iPhone can function only as a NFC reader. It is not possible to use it as a NFC Tag, and read it via some external NFC reader. NFC is available in iPhone 6/6 Plus/6s/6s Plus/SE and NFC with reader mode is available in iPhone 7 and later.

C Strtok Example

Defined in header <string.h> (1) char * strtok ( char * str , const char * delim ) ; (until C99) char * strtok ( char * restrict str , const char * restrict delim ) ; (since C99) char * strtok_s ( char * restrict str , rsize_t * restrict strmax , const char * restrict delim , char * * restrict ptr ) ; (2) (since C11) 1) Finds the next token in a null-terminated byte string pointed to by str . The separator characters are identified by null-terminated byte string pointed to by delim . This function is designed to be called multiples times to obtain successive tokens from the same string. If str ! = NULL , the call is treated as the first call to strtok for this particular string. The function searches for the first character which is not contained in delim . If no such character was found, there are no tokens in str at all, and the function returns a null pointer. If such character was found, ...