-bash: Sequelize: Command Not Found

Answer :

The reason is: sequelize is not installed globally on your cli. To get sequelize access to all your cli just do.

npm install -g sequelize-cli 

The '-g' means global this will allow you to access sequelize command anywhere in your app directory.

After that you can do eg: sequelize model:generate --name User --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string,password:string

Had the same issue, then noted that sequelize-cli is the way to go ahead.

npm install -g sequelize-cli 

I would like to answer my own question. The global npm install path was wrong for my computer.

npm config get prefix

Then I ran to put the path where it should be. This problem gave me a lot of head aches. Hope it helps someone.

npm config set prefix /usr/local


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