Blur Part Of Image In Imagemagick

Answer :

In ImageMagick, you can use any mask to limit the blur.

Create a black and white mask image: black inside your quadrilateral and white elsewhere of the size of your image. Then use that as a mask for doing blurring. See


enter image description here

(Unix syntax)

convert \ logo.jpg \ \( -clone 0 -fill white -colorize 100 -fill black \ -draw "polygon 332,180 427,105 481,238 399,279" \ -alpha off -write mpr:mask +delete \) \ -mask mpr:mask -blur 0x5 +mask logo_blur.jpg 

Blurred Result

enter image description here

Use -region

convert a.png -region 150x150+599+261 -implode 1.5 +region b.png 


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