Azure DevOps - Compare Two Commits Right In The Web UI?

Answer :

If you go to the list of branches for a repository, you can click on ... (More Actions) on one of the branches and choose Compare branches

This will take you to a URL in the form:{organisation}/{project}/_git/{repository}/branches?baseVersion=GB{baseBranch}&targetVersion=GB{targetBranch}&_a=files

You can then change the baseVersion and targetVersion parameters in the query string. These can take the following forms, and can be mixed and matched:

  • GB{branchName}
  • GC{commitHash}
  • GT{tagName}

Just in case that link gets broken, clicking "View Merge Changes" on a pull request takes you to the same page but with a slightly different URL{organisation}/{project}/_git/{repository}/branchCompare?baseVersion=GC{baseCommit}&targetVersion=GC{targetCommit}&_a=files

I'm not sure if there's a nicer way of comparing commits from the UI, as it only shows branches and tags, but if you do it this way you don't have to temporarily tag commits or create temporary branches just to get a diff that shows all of the changed files.

If you want to compare two arbitrary commits for one file, navigate to the file in the repo, select the compare tab, and apply the appropriate commit range.

enter image description here

If you want to compare two arbitrary commits for all files , you can create tags at commits , then compare them. This will give you a list of commits between them and allow you to show the diffs.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

For details, you can refer to this case.


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