Char Data Type In Php Code Example

Example: php data types

<?php /* Variables can store data of different types, and different data types can do different things.  PHP supports the following data types:  1) String 2) Integer 3) Float (floating point numbers - also called double) 4) Boolean 5) Array 6) Object 7) NULL 8) Resource */    // PHP String $x = "Hello world!"; echo $x;  //PHP Integer $x = 5985; var_dump($x);  //PHP Float $x = 10.365; var_dump($x);  //PHP Boolean $x = true; $y = false;  //PHP Array $cars = array("Volvo","BMW","Toyota"); var_dump($cars);  //PHP Object   class Car {       function Car() {           $this->model = "VW";       }   }    // create an object   $herbie = new Car();    // show object properties   echo $herbie->model;  //PHP NULL Value $x = "Hello world!"; $x = null; var_dump($x); ?>


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