Bring Element To Front Using CSS

Answer :

Add z-index:-1 and position:relative to .content

#header {     background: url( center top no-repeat; } #header-inner {     background: url( right top no-repeat; } .logo-class {     height: 128px; } .content {     margin-left: auto;     margin-right: auto;     table-layout: fixed;     border-collapse: collapse;     z-index: -1;     position:relative; } .td-main {     text-align: center;     padding: 80px 10px 80px 10px;     border: 1px solid #A02422;     background: #ABABAB; }
<body>     <div id="header">         <div id="header-inner">             <table class="content">                 <col width="400px" />                 <tr>                     <td>                         <table class="content">                             <col width="400px" />                             <tr>                                 <td>                                     <div class="logo-class"></div>                                 </td>                             </tr>                             <tr>                                 <td id="menu"></td>                             </tr>                         </table>                         <table class="content">                             <col width="120px" />                             <col width="160px" />                             <col width="120px" />                             <tr>                                 <td class="td-main">text</td>                                 <td class="td-main">text</td>                                 <td class="td-main">text</td>                             </tr>                         </table>                     </td>                 </tr>             </table>         </div>         <!-- header-inner -->     </div>     <!-- header --> </body>

Note: z-index only works on positioned elements (position:absolute, position:relative, or position:fixed). Use one of those.

In my case i had to move the html code of the element i wanted at the front at the end of the html file, because if one element has z-index and the other doesn't have z index it doesn't work.


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