Angular Ng-if="" With Multiple Arguments

Answer :

It is possible.

<span ng-if="checked && checked2">   I'm removed when the checkbox is unchecked. </span>

For people looking to do if statements with multiple 'or' values.

<div ng-if="::(a || b || c || d || e || f)"><div> 

Just to clarify, be aware bracket placement is important!

These can be added to any HTML tags... span, div, table, p, tr, td etc.


ng-if="check1 && !check2" -- AND NOT ng-if="check1 || check2" -- OR ng-if="(check1 || check2) && check3" -- AND/OR - Make sure to use brackets 


*ngIf="check1 && !check2" -- AND NOT *ngIf="check1 || check2" -- OR *ngIf="(check1 || check2) && check3" -- AND/OR - Make sure to use brackets 

It's best practice not to do calculations directly within ngIfs, so assign the variables within your component, and do any logic there.

boolean check1 = Your conditional check here... ... 


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