Closing Gitlab Merge Request

Answer :

In Gitlab, the merged status means the relevant commits have been merged and no action is needed.

A closed merge request is one that has been put aside or considered irrelevant. It is therefore not merged into the code base.

Therefore, you only merge MRs when you're happy with the changes and close them if you think the changes are not worthy of being integrated into the code base ever.

A typical workflow would be the following:

  • User A works on a new feature in a feature branch and pushes their work to that branch.
  • They can open a merge request to merge their feature branch into master.
  • User B pulls the feature branch, eventually rebasing it onto master, and runs the tests they want.
  • If User B is happy with the changes/new feature, they can merge the MR into master (or whatever branch you merge into)
  • The merge request will be shown as merged

Of course it's better if the tests run automatically in a CI.

With GitLab 12.2 (August 2019), you have new options which could help indicate the "closed" status of a merge request.

See "New push options for merge requests"

In GitLab 12.2, GitLab has been taught new push options to:

  • Set the branch to be removed when it is merged.
  • Change the merge request’s title.
  • Change the merge request’s description.

See issue and documentation


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