Clear Markers From Google Map In Android

Answer :

If you want to clear "all markers, overlays, and polylines from the map", use clear() on your GoogleMap.

If you do not wish to clear polylines and only the markers need to be removed follow the steps below.

First create a new Marker Array like below

List<Marker> AllMarkers = new ArrayList<Marker>(); 

Then when you add the marker on the google maps also add them to the Marker Array (its AllMarkers in this example)

for(int i=0;i<places.length();i++){                  LatLng location = new LatLng(Lat,Long);                 MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions();                 markerOptions.position(location);                 markerOptions.title("Your title");                   Marker mLocationMarker = Map.addMarker(markerOptions); // add the marker to Map                     AllMarkers.add(mLocationMarker); // add the marker to array                  } 

then finally call the below method to remove all markers at once

 private void removeAllMarkers() {         for (Marker mLocationMarker: AllMarkers) {             mLocationMarker.remove();         }         AllMarkers.clear();      } 

call from anywhere to remove all markers


I found this solution when i was looking for a way to remove only the map markers without clearing the polylines. Hope this will help you too.


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