Add Title To Collection Of Pandas Hist Plots

Answer :

With newer Pandas versions, if someone is interested, here a slightly different solution with Pandas only:

ax = data.plot(kind='hist',subplots=True,sharex=True,sharey=True,title='My title') 

You can use suptitle():

import pylab as pl from pandas import * data = DataFrame(np.random.randn(500).reshape(100,5), columns=list('abcde')) axes = data.hist(sharey=True, sharex=True) pl.suptitle("This is Figure title") 

I found a better way:

plt.subplot(2,3,1)  # if use subplot df = pd.read_csv('documents',low_memory=False) df['column'].hist() plt.title('your title') 

It is very easy, display well at the top, and will not mess up your subplot.


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