As A Dev, Do You Use .gitignore To Ignore Everything And Purposefully Include? Or Do You Just Exclude With It?
Answer :
The second method is the best practice, when it comes to exlude some folder contents of gitignore rules.
It better reflect the following rule:
It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded.
To exclude files (or all files) from a subfolder of an ignored folder f
, you would do:
f/** !f/**/ !f/a/sub/folder/someFile.txt
Meaning: you need to whitelist folders first, before being able to exclude from gitignore files.
It is clearer, shorter (unless you have a large number of folder to whitelist)
What if it is a Joomla install with a large amount of directories and files?
Or what if a core upgrade adds new files or folders
Don't forget you can have multiple gitignore files, one per folder.
That means you can mix and match both approaches.
And you have:
- (which does blacklist when it comes to Joomla application)
(same approach for Joomla)
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