Cloud Firestore Rules On Subcollection

Answer :

Honestly, I think you're okay with your structure and get call as-is. Here's why:

  1. If you're fetching a bunch of documents in a subcollection, Cloud Firestore is usually smart enough to cache values as needed. For example, if you were to ask to fetch all 200 items in "conversions/chat_abc/messages", Cloud Firestore would only perform that get operation once and re-use it for the entire batch operation. So you'll end up with 201 reads, and not 400.

  2. As a general philosophy, I'm not a fan of optimizing for pricing in your security rules. Yes, you can end up with one or two extra reads per operation, but it's probably not going to cause you trouble the same way, say, a poorly written Cloud Function might. Those are the areas where you're better off optimizing.


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