Check Python String Format?

Answer :

try with regular expresion:

import re r = re.compile('.*/.*/.*:.*') if r.match('x/x/xxxx xx:xx') is not None:    print 'matches' 

you can tweak the expression to match your needs

Use time.strptime to parse from string to time struct. If the string doesn't match the format it raises ValueError.

If you use regular expressions with match you must also account for the end being too long. Without testing the length in this code it is possible to slip any non-newline character at the end. Here is code modified from other answers.

import re r = re.compile('././.{4} .{2}:.{2}') s = 'x/x/xxxx xx:xx' if len(s) == 14:   if r.match(s):     print 'matches' 


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