Callout Limits For Future Methods And Queueable Apex

Answer :

I quickly wrote a class with future method to test this behaviour.

public class FutureClassLimitsTest {      @future(callout=true)     public static void docallouts(){          for(Integer i=0;i<200;i++){             Http http=new Http();             HttpRequest hr=new HttpRequest();             hr.setMethod('POST');             hr.setEndpoint('');             http.send(hr);         }       }  } 

This is the error I get. enter image description here

First error: Too many callouts: 101.

So I believe this is uniform for the whole platform irrespective of the transaction(Sync or Async).

Is there a workaround?

Well unless there is a strong business requirement it is kinda bad doing so many callous in a transaction.

We can call a Queauble Method from Queueable method,.. and you can chain them infinitely. Thus using proper implementation you can have 100+ callouts. Batch is another way to tackle this. You have to write /modify data model add a some queue custom SOBJECT to handle your problem.

No limit is enforced on the depth of chained jobs, which means that you can chain one job to another job and repeat this process with each new child job to link it to a new child job. For Developer Edition and Trial organizations, the maximum stack depth for chained jobs is 5, which means that you can chain jobs four times and the maximum number of jobs in the chain is 5, including the initial parent queueable job.


tl;dr: The limit of 100 http callouts is the same for all transactions (be they synchronous or async).

The answer here resides in another piece of documentation:

Salesforce gives us a semi-visual representation of which limits apply to both sync and async transacttions, and which ones have different limits for sync vs async. As I'm waiting for sfdx to do a large push, I'll try to capture the formatting of that document here.

+----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+ |           Description            |       Synchronous Limit  |      Asynchronous Limit  | +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+ | Total number of SOQL             |                          |                           |  queries issued                  |      100                 |      200                  | | Total number of                  |                                                      |  records retrieved |  by SOQL queries                 |                      50,000                          | | Total number of records          |                                                      |  retrieved by                    |                                                      | Database.getQueryLocator         |                      10,000                          | | Total number of SOSL             |                                                      |  queries issued                  |                      20                              | | Total number of records          |                                                      |  retrieved by a single           |                                                      |  SOSL query                      |                      2,000                           | | Total number of DML              |                                                      |  statements issued               |                      150                            | | Total number of records          |                                                      |  processed as a result           |                                                      |  of DML statements,              |                                                      | Approval.process,                |                                                      | or database.emptyRecycleBin      |                      10,000                          | | Total stack depth for any        |                                                      | Apex invocation that recursively |                                                      |  fires triggers due to insert,   |                                                      | update, or delete statements     |                      16                             | | Total number of callouts         |                                                      |  (HTTP requests or Web services  |                                                      |  calls) in a transaction         |                      100                           | | Maximum cumulative timeout       |                                                      | for all callouts (HTTP           |                                                      | requests or Web services calls)  |                                                      |  in a transaction                |                      120 seconds                    | | Maximum number of methods with   |                                                      |  the future annotation           |                                                      |  allowed per Apex invocation     |                      50                              | | Maximum number of Apex jobs      |                                                      | added to the queue with          |                                                      | System.enqueueJob                |                      50                              | | Total number of sendEmail        |                                                      | methods allowed                  |                      10                             | | Total heap size                  |      6 MB                |      12 MB                | | Maximum CPU time on the          |                          |                           | Salesforce servers               |      10,000 milliseconds |      60,000 milliseconds | | | Maximum execution time           |                                                      | for each Apex transaction        |                      10 minutes                     | | Maximum number of push           |                                                      | notification method              |                                                      | calls allowed per Apex           |                                                      | transaction                      |                      10                              | | Maximum number of push           |                                                      | notifications that can be        |                                                      | sent in each push                |                                                       | notification method call         |                      2,000                          | +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+ 


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