Adb Kill-server Not Responding?

Answer :

I also came across the same error when I was trying to install one app in emulator. You need not restart PC to overcome this. Just kill the server. if 'adb kill-server' is also not working, kill the process (adb.exe) through task manager. There you go!!

Task Manager -> Process -> adb.exe -> End process

That worked for me.

If zombie adb process is not the issue i.e. there's no adb.exe in the task-manager list, the problem is usually adb ports e.g. 5555, 5554, 5037 etc., being taken by other applications.


  1. On all Windows: find the process taking one of those ports using netstat -bn and kill it from task-manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc is the shortcut.

  2. On Windows 7 and 8: there's this new tool called Resource Monitor. It'll also allow you to find out the blocked port and blocking process under the network tab.

  3. On Linux: the similar is done with netstat -pn. Feel free to use your grep foo as needed and kill the blocking process with kill or pkill.

  4. Change Default ADB Port: Apparently default ADB port can be changed as described here by setting up an environmental variable before launching ADB. Give it shot. It'll allow more flexibility if you don't want to kill the blocking processes.


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