
Showing posts from April, 2010

A Certificate Chain Could Not Be Built To A Trusted Root Authority

Answer : I also met the same issue in Win 7 sp1. The solution is below: Download the certificate file from Microsoft: MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011.cer If the link invalid someday, you can download from MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011.cer - github. Double click the .cer file downloaded just now, then install the certificate following below captures: Re-install your .NET Framework 4.6.2 installation package. Then the problem will be resolved. May it be helpful for you. I recently ran into this issue with systems behind a firewall that didn't have internet access. I ran /extract on the .NET Framework 4.6.2 MSI and was able to run the x64 installer directly without the certificate check. Maybe not the "right" way to go, but it worked. could it create problem to install the same certificate on several systems? No, it will not be a problem even if the systems would be connected to the internet in the future. When you connect the s...

Blender Merge Vertices Code Example

Example: how to connect two vertices in blender Guy below me

Android Studio SDK Location Not Found. Define Location With An ANDROID_SDK_ROOT Environment Variable Or By Setting The Sdk.dir Path In Your Project's Local Properties File At Code Example

Example: sdk location not found. define location with an android_sdk_root environment variable I know this answer is late, but I hope it helps others. The answer is simple. You have to just copy your file to the folder where project is stored and it will work like charm. But remember, it must be placed in the root folder where the project is stored.

2d Raycast From Mouse Code Example

Example: unity 2d raycast mouse // detect object that was clicked using raycast RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D . Raycast ( Camera . main . ScreenToWorldPoint ( Input . mousePosition ) , Vector2 . zero ) ; if ( hit . collider != null ) { Debug . Log ( "Target name: " + hit . collider . name ) ; }

Chemistry - A Monocyclic 6 Carbon Ring With 6 Double Bonds

Answer : Solution 1: There are several monocyclic \ce C 6 \ce{C6} \ce C 6 isomers. Three of them are pictured below A - the compound you've drawn above, cyclohexahexaene B - cyclohexatriyne C - cyclohexa-2,5-diyne-bis-1,4-ylidene While all of the carbons in these molecules are (more or less) \ce s p \ce{sp} \ce s p hybridized, the molecules are different from one another due to differences in bond lengths and bond angles. For example, all of the bonds in A are exactly the same length due to symmetry, whereas the triple bonds in B will be shorter than the adjacent single bonds. Therefore, A-C are isomers, not resonance structures. Ideally the atoms attached to an \ce s p \ce{sp} \ce s p hybridized carbon form a linear arrangement (180° bond angle) with the central \ce s p \ce{sp} \ce s p carbon, acetylene and the central carbon in allene serve as examples. (image source) (image source) However in the cyclic \ce C 6 \ce{C6} \ce C 6 compounds A-C, th...

Can I Have Macros In Java Source Files

Answer : You can but you shouldn't . The shouldn't part: You shouldn't because using the pre-processor in that way is considered bad practice to start with, and there are better and more Java-idiomatic ways to solve this use case. The can part: (*) Java itself doesn't support macros. On the other hand, you could pipe the source code through the C pre processor (CPP for short) just like the C/C++ compile chain does. Here's a demo: src/ : #define READINT (new java.util.Scanner( class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int i = READINT; } } cpp command: $ cpp -P src/ preprocessed/ Result: class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int i = (new java.util.Scanner(; } } Compile: $ javac preprocessed/ A better workaround: You can write your own utility class with a static method instead: import ja...

Square Root In C Code Example

Example 1: root in C # include <stdio.h> # include <math.h> int main ( ) { double num = 6 , squareRoot ; squareRoot = sqrt ( num ) ; printf ( "Square root of %lf = %lf" , num , squareRoot ) ; return 0 ; } Example 2: sqrt in c # include <math.h> double sqrt ( double arg ) ; Example 3: c sqrt double sqrt ( double arg ) ;

Combine Image And To Pdf Code Example

Example 1: image to pdf Hey guys hope you have a nice day ! This is one of the best converter on the internet ! Example 2: turn photos into pdf This one allows only 1 free conversion a day: This one allows unlimited:

Apple - Allow Button Not Working In System Preferences

Answer : This worked for me on High Sierra 10.13.4 : System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Select 'All Controls' Then: System Preferences > Privacy & Security > Press 'Tab' until 'Allow' is selected > Press 'Spacebar' *Note: the Privacy & Security page may need to be unlocked before 'Tab' will work. *Note: After open Security & Privacy and selecting General tab you should push tab key to select allow button after that push space bar key! Hope this helps! Credit to @dansanduleac's answer on GitHub If you are connecting to the computer remotely with software such as TeamViewer, VNC etc. it will not work, because macOS doesn’t allow you to press “Allow” button through other applications. You have to directly press that button with your trackpad. We can use Apple Script to click on the Allow button as follows: Press Shift Command 4 to start screen capture (but don't actually go t...

\noindent Latex Code Example

Example: latex noindent \setlength\parindent { 0 pt }

Animated Background Change Css Code Example

Example 1: css animation CSS animation properties template: { animation-name : anima-name ; animation-duration : 1 s ; animation-iteration-count : infinite ; animation-delay : 2 s ; animation-direction : reverse | normal | alternate | alternate-reverse ; animation-timing-function : ease | ease-out | ease-in | ease-in-out | linear | cubic-bezier ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) ( e.g. cubic-bezier ( 0.5 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 1.0 ) ) ; animation-fill-mode : forwards | backwards | both | none ; } @keyframes anima-name { from { background-position : right ; } to { background-position : left ; } } @keyframes anima-name { 0% { background-color : red ; } 50% { background-color : green ; } 100% { background-color : red ; } } Example 2: Css animations Here a codePen with cool animations : https : //

Amsterdam Timezone Code Example

Example: timezone amsterdam utc UTC + 1 #Oct 21 till Mar 21 UTC + 2 #Mar 21 till Oct 21

Checkbox Required Bootstrap Code Example

Example: bootstrap checkbox < div > < div class = " row " > < div class = " form-check form-check-inline " > < input id = " checkbox2 " type = " checkbox " > < label for = " checkbox2 " > Checkbox not checked </ label > </ div > < div class = " form-check form-check-inline " > < input id = " checkbox3 " type = " checkbox " checked = " checked " > < label for = " checkbox3 " > Checkbox checked </ label > </ div > </ div > </ div >

Angular Form Builder Vs Form Control And Form Group

Answer : I have gone through the Angular Official Docs and on the Reactive Forms Part I have seen that: The FormBuilder service is an injectable provider that is provided with the reactive forms module. If you read more you see that the form builder is a service that does the same things as form-group, form-control and form-array. The official docs describe it as: Creating form control instances manually can become repetitive when dealing with multiple forms. The FormBuilder service provides convenient methods for generating controls. So basically saying that FormBuilder is a service that is trying to help us reduce boiler-plate code. An example of how FormBuilder is used to reduce boilerplate code can be seen here. To answer the question: So is there any advantage of one over the other way of doing it or is it just preference? Well, there is no technical advantage and whichever code you use all boils down to your preference. This example is here With FormControl: c...

7z File Manager Crashed And Left Temp Files Behind

Answer : Using the run command: ( WIN + R ) type "%TEMP%" and hit enter. This will bring up all the temp files stored on your PC through the user account you are on. 7-zip tells you the temp location it uses (extract from 7-Zip doesn't know folder path of drop target. Only Windows Explorer knows exact drop target. And Windows Explorer needs files (drag source) as decompressed files on disk. So 7-Zip extracts files from archive to temp folder and then 7-Zip notifies Windows Explorer about paths of these temp files. Then Windows Explorer copies these files to drop target folder. To avoid temp file usage, you can use Extract command of 7-Zip or drag-and-drop from 7-Zip to 7-Zip. C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp under windows 8.1 found MANY 7zipExxxx.tmp folders ...using up 16GB ! reboot did NOT help. Using CCleaner did NOT help. Manually looking at TEMP folders did NOT help. What I did was use WinDirStat to see all m...