"App Rejected" Banner Stays Up On Google Play Console Despite Updates/modifications Submitted

Answer :

If your app was rejected and you changed it, then it will need to be re-reviewed. It looks like the re-review is waiting to complete. If you wait it should update.

enter image description here

I've resubmitted game again and notice that status still 'App rejected'. New information appears beside your app icon "Processing update". It means that Google Play is processing review your app again and it's expected to have 'App rejected' status at the end of their review.

FYI: I'm waiting for reviewing my app 12 hours. So don't worry, it's expected. Keeps you updated.


So now I have published game fully.

  • It took ~24 hours from "Pending publication" to "Rejected" status
  • It took ~24 hours after fix apk from "Rejected" to "Published" status

So it can take more that 2-3 hours as it's wrote in the documentations. Keep eyes on the current status of your publication.


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