Access Violation Reading Location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Code Example

Example: read access violation. _Pnext was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

if (this->loginbuttons["Login"]->isclicked()) {  		std::string name = this->key["username"]->getText(); 		std::string password = this->key["password"]->getText(); 		 		password = enc.Encrypt_Data(password);   		for (auto& it : this->key) {  			it.second->set_RequiredError(); 		}  		//if (this->key["username"]->Check_requirements() && this->key["password"]->Check_requirements()) {  			this->quer["login"] = new Query(std::ostringstream().flush() << "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=Bruh AND password=Bruh LIMIT 1" , this->con->get_Connection());   			if (this->quer["login"]->string_Res() != "") {  			  					this->states->push(new MainMenu(this->window, this->keys, this->states)); 					std::cout << "Logged in";  				 	 			}  			else {  				std::cout << "Inccorect Password or Username!"; 			} 		//} 	}	 }


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